středa 18. května 2016

April Meet-up in Munich

Hi, my dear readers ♥

In April we had a tiny little private lolita meet-up in Munich ♪ It was so nice to finally dress up after a week in dusty working clothes among moving boxes ! We decided to visit a very interresting exhibition in Münchner Stadt museum about women´s fashion in 1930's Germany.

It wasn't big so we went to other floors of the museum as well. There was also exhibition about nazis (which we skipped completely), marionettes (they were so scary that we left immediatelly), typical Bavarian things (we didn't have enough time for it) and music - where we lost the time, because it´s super-fun =D There is 100000 musical instruments, old, new, tiny, huge, funny, boring... and there is a lot of interactive parts, for example a big room with wall full of instruments and a table with buttons with name of each - you can push them and it plays a short song so you know how the instrument sounds *o* there are also mystery doors, which you open and a loud organ starts to play...and a japanese drum... yeah, we had a lot of fun =D

After we left the museum we went for something to eat. We randomly found a tiny asian restaurant which had surprisingly delicious Japanese dishes *o* Then we went to two Japanese shops and bought a lot of stuff =D ha ha
I couldn´t resist and finally purchased an ink stone, a caligraphy brush and sumi ink... I also bought a pack of sakura burning incense sticks and a lot of yummy gifts for my husband ♥

And here are some photos of my outfit ...please excuse the terrible Photoshop blur, but there was a totally not-matching moving mess and my husband putting together Ikea furniture =D
I finally wore my new Metamorphose blouse which I bought on tea party in Vienna, toghether with my all time favourite BTSSB jsk and a beautiful brooch from Vanilla´s Traumfabrik who I finally met  again on that day after a very long time =) ♪

It was such a great day !
I hope we will meet more often =)

Have a beautiful day, everyone ♥

6 komentářů:

  1. Lovely. Are the shoes from I think I have the same ones.

    1. Thank you =) They are from An-tai-na ...I bought them on Ebay ages ago =D (and they will probably fall appart very soon x_x)

  2. Tenhle coord se mi moc líbí :3 Připomněla jsi mi, že mám někde mezi krabicemi schovanou modrou buřinku XD Taky jsem ji chtěla využít k lolitě, ale ještě jsem nevymyslela jak. To tvé je takové hezky jednoduché ♥ Moc jsi mě tím inspirovala, jak využít svou buřinku XD

    1. Děkuju =) ! Já nosím buřinku moc ráda, hlavně když mám třeba trochu odrostlou barvu a nechci si kvůli srazu barvit vlasy =D navíc jako jedna z mála pokrývek sedí přes paruku/dready ♪

  3. aww so happy to hear that you guys had fun :D the exhibition sounded exciting, too bad it was tiny :c
    I would have loved to see the marionettes :'D
    your outfit is so cute! I can't get over it <3
