pátek 27. listopadu 2015

Like a Little Knitted Notebook

Hi, my dear readers ♥

In September Sylvia Bo Bilvia alias Softsweater released a new knitting pattern with a great idea. I don´t know it this happens to everyone of you too, but I have some events, thoughts, words, whole coversations or maybe just a smell or taste connected with clothing I wore in that time. (how weird is it?) And it´s the same with things I create, when I start making something and I am in some kind of specific mood I always remember it when I wear it or look at it. For example my knitted infinity scarf from last year - I finished it after an argument with my mother on the second day of Christmas and I was so damn angry that we had to be in fight even on Christmas because of such a stupid thing like facebook that now everytime I wear this scarf I remember it and it makes me a bit angry again =D

When you purchase the pattern you will read that Silvia had a similar connection of emotions to the progress of making this pattern and decided to make an advantage of it ! 

"Your assignment if you choose to take it on, is to take little notes while you knit
this, mark down any important things that are happening in your world. If you chose to
gift the finished piece write it into a little note for the person you’re gifting it to, if you’re
keeping it for yourself, you could write yourself a little postcard with all your notes on it.

It’s all about inspiring your creativity and also about being present with your thoughts and
experiences in the moment. It’s super lovely and rewarding and even if you don’t choose
to write them down, I bet you’ll walk away thinking about this concept a little bit while you
find yourself knitting."

I fell in love with this idea, so even though I had a sweater to finish and tons of Christams gifts to knit before me, I picked up a yarn from my stash and started with knitting and taking notes at the same time ♪

And here´s the result !

I used circular needles n.5 and two skeins of Cilka from Vlnika

And my notes ♥

I like this scarf so much !
It looks great, the light-grey matches with everything and it´s so comfortable ♥

I´m in such a knitting rush lately =D
My stash is full of beautiful handspun yarns from Hana Paimen Yarns and I have project for each
I just can´t wait to start working on them ! But first - I need to finish Christmas gifts =D
(but to tell the truth, I´m cheating - I already finished a scarf and today I will finish a pair of fingerless gloves for me, because I JUST HAD TO)

And what´s on your needles/crochet hooks ?
If  your´re not yarn-addict, then what´s your biggest hobby right now?
I really wish I have more time for reading and playing games on PC and PS3 AND PS4, but for that I  would desperately need a day to have at least 50 hours and never get tired =D
I can´t wait for Christmas holidays

Have a beautiful day, everyone ♥

8 komentářů:

  1. To je tak dokonalý!!!!! Vůbec ta myšlenka sepisovat co se děje během pletení... to musím taky zkusit! (i u různých pletacích projektů!)
    (A našla jsem se mezi notes!! Supér! *_*)
    A jaký byl ten šátek na složitost, pohoda, nebo tam byly nějaké zapeklitosti?

    1. Jooo byla jsi součástí =D náš úžasný pletací kočíčí sedánek ! Už aby se zase opakoval *o*
      Jinak ten pattern je v pohodě, nic těžkýho, taková odpočinková záležitost, jenom jsem se musela naučit Make One left a Make One right, ale o tom jsem se vlastně už bavily =D a jde to pěkně od ruky, podle mě na ombre vlnu super projekt !

  2. Mě teď mezi prací čeká postupně vánoční úklid a mytí oken a pečení cukroví (sedm druhů a to jsem se letos v plánech krotila). V mezičase mám plnou krabici hnusných plastových ozdob, co jsem kupovala na výzdobu bytu ten úplně první rok, co jsem se nastěhovala do Prahy - jsou otlučené, divné, ošklivé a v nešikovných barvách, tak se na nich asi ještě vyřádím se spreji, třpytkami a dalšími čůčovinkami, aby mi ladili ke zbyttku výzdoby. =D Na pletení a háčkování se asi konečně vrhnu až po novém roce, dřív asi nebude čas. =D Ale musím, nabídka svetrů v obchodech mě nebaví ať z designového, nebo materiálového hlediska. =D

    1. Tak to máš pěkně co dělat =D Já letos nepeču nic - trouba nefunguje skoro vůbec a stejně to pak vždycky na Velikonoce vyhodíme do koše =D
      Taky si žádný svetry nekupuju s tím, že "to si upletu" ...musíš ale počítat s tím, že vyrobit jeden svetr většinou zabere tak 4měsíce, takže nejlíp začít na jaře aby byl na podzim =D

  3. A few days ago I bought yarn, because I really want to start knitting. I learned it in school ages ago so I'm not a complete beginner. But now I'm a bit scared and at the same time so excited, haha :D I have to admit though... it was you who inspired me :D

    1. whaaa that´s amazing ! =) I´m so happy that I inspired you (mu ha ha =D) Don´t worry, you can always start again and again and again, until it looks perfect =) When I was learning a great help for me were knitting tutorials from Drops design http://www.garnstudio.com/lang/en/video.php?id=315&sort=2&thumbnails=on - you can find there everything you need in case you get lost =) they also have 1000000 free patterns, so I highly recommend this website =) Good luck and have fun with knitting <3

    2. thehehe :D I already know about drops! My mother showed it to me. When she visits the site she's always like "ah, this is pretty! ..and this! ...this is also pretty! ..." :D Actually the thing I want to knit is from drops: http://www.garnstudio.com/includes/pattern-print.php?id=5754&cid=9 Thanks for wishing me luck! <3 If I don't forget it I will show it to you when it's finished. :)

  4. Pletu jak divá, abych všem stihla vánoce....a do toho ke mě o víkendu při odpoledním kafíčku přišla malá neteř a povídá..."Jitkoooo? No jestli má Ježíšek taky takový fofr jako ty, tak ho lituji....."
