pátek 6. listopadu 2015


Hi, my dear readers ♥

This blog has been quite active lately, isn´t it ?
I´m really trying to get to more recent posts as soon as possible to make it more up-to-date ... I almost got there in summer, but then the wedding madness started and I got behind again >_< So I hope you don´t mind if there will be two new weekly, not just one on Friday like it was until now ...

Today I want to show you a few photos from little trip we did in September - it was a really tiny little Sunday trip =D The weather was crazy - it was unbelievably hot ! About 25°C in the middle of September? Good I wore a summer dress on that day !

We went to a small village Kipfenberg to visit a castle and take a look around. But as we got on the top of the hill we found out that the castle is actually private and someone is living there *o* dream house ! But at least there was some small museum with café, so we ate a delicious organic-homemade-cake and Honza had the biggest coffee ever =D We took some photos ,walked around the village a bit and then it started raining so we went home ...

(look at Satan´s pose =D)

Since the weather was so pretty and I knew we will go through forest I decided to wear my new mori dress which I bough on vinted in spring, but it was stuck for months in Prague at my mum´s place so I got around to wear it for the first time at the end of summer...
Together with the dress I bought the grey top from the same seller - I was 100% sure these two will look perfect together and I was right =) I also wore this beautiful hama-girl (sea-mori-girl) scarf which I got from my best friend as a name day gift ♥
I think the whole outfit could be considered as hama (with some sea shell as necklace instead of an acorn), but without the sea where I could take photos it´s somehow incomplete ...

scarf - gift from Maxé
cardigan - C&A
dress, top - vinted
acorn necklace - home deco store =D

On our way home we stopped at the flower field and I picked some beautiful sunflowers ♥ This is such a great thing which could NEVER work in Czech republic and it´s a proof how different and more cultivated Germans are (at least here in Bayern) ... there are several fields with flowers next to road, but no one is watching over them - there is a price list, a box for money and scissors - that´s it. People come, pick flowers, pay and go ♥
(In Czech republic it would be there... one night? Then a group of people would go there, cut all the flower and sell them for super-expensive price + they would steel the scissors as well and destroy the money box)

btw. What do you think of the new "design" ? Ha ha it´s funny, I know but I really don´t want to have a dark blog anymore and I have no idea how to do blog designs ... so this is the autumn/winter version. I will leave it like this and then I will try something better for spring, I promise =D

Have a beautiful day, everyone ♥

4 komentáře:

  1. Jé to je tak super outfit! Ty šaty s tílkem vypadají dohromady fakt úžasně! :)
    Design vypadá podle mě dobře - víc než dobře :) přesně něco takovýho by se mi taky líbilo - hlavně ty lístečky po straně jsou úchvatný, ale řešit design mého blogu je snad to poslední na co mám teď čas a chuť, takže prostě "les" a hotovo :D Hlavně ani nevím, kde bych co jak měla hledat a nastavovat, jsem ráda že se mi tam zobrazuje obchod a pravidelný čtenáři (kterých je vtipných 8, haha) :D

    1. Děkuju ♥
      Mě vždycky blog dělala Veni a pár věcí mi vysvětlila, ale jako vycentrovat si ten headder nahoře to třeba nezvládnu =D s těma tlačítkama ti můžu poradit, to je fakt easy, ale jinak jsem taky hrozná co se tohodle týká =D to dřevíčko na pozadí bylo už v tý nabídce blogspotu a jenom jsem změnila barvičky a font, takže úplně webový designér =D

  2. Dej Čechům šanci - třeba by to vydrželo i dva dny :D
    Na něco podobného jsem letos narazila na Islandu. Malá dřevěná bouda s pytlíky rajčat a pokladničkou. Taky jsme uvažovali nad tím, jak dlouho by tohle vydrželo v Čechách :)

    1. Ty kytky možná, ale ta pokladnička by zmizela tak do hodiny =D ha ha
      Tady jsou taky ještě takhle na prodej dýně a podobná zelenina... je to super =)
