pátek 17. července 2015

Nuka Cola Bottle Caps

Hi, my dear readers ♥

At the end of May, when the weather was still "layering-friendly" I had a sudden urge to dress up in some kind of "casual postapo" outfits *o* responsible for this are probably shortcuttothestars and the continuing Mad Max madness =D ... I was just so happy to see around so many Mad Max-inspired outfits, art and photoshoots - as I said before, postapo is one of my favourite genres ♥

Before I found Mai´s blog and her great fashion sense I never thought about wearing postapo-inspired outfits on daily basis, not just for a photoshoot or party. I love the idea of some kind of "casual postapo", so you can imagine how happy I was when I stepped into a Strauss (which is a shop where you can usually find some home decors or clothing for old ladies) and they had some "natural summer collection" which was surprisingly full of stuff great for this style =D ha ha
I couldn´t resist and bought a huge grey cotton scarf and this perfect fringe cardigan *o*

I was pretty happy about this outfit and planned to wear it every day since then, but a few days after the real summer started, so...yeah... in September, maybe =D

btw. I finally saw the new Mad Max ! I didn´t have these ecstatic feelings about it like all people around, but it was pretty cool =)

feather hair accessory & nail cross necklace - DIY
cardigan - Strauss
top - second-hand
leggins - H&M

...aaand a picture !
I had big plans with this one - nuclear blasts in the background and myself in some cool dynamic pose...but yeah...........I´m not that good...not now...maybe some other day ha ha =D

Have a beautiful day, everyone ♥

5 komentářů:

  1. Super outfit a super obrázek! :) postapo se mi taky moc líbí, achich :))

    1. Děkuju =) eeuuaa mě nejvíc mrzí, že jsme se nakonec nedostali letos na Junktown (postapo festival u Prahy) - snad za rok určitě na 100% tam musím být =D

  2. Úžasný outfit, strašně se mi líbí ty pírka ve vlasech ♥

    1. Děkuju =) ...bohužel asi tak půl hodiny na to mi je pes rozkousal, takže si je budu muset celý znova opravit x_x =D
