Hello, my dear readers ♥
At the end of June we attended another historical festival - this time a big Neuburger Schlossfest which is just a few kilometers away from our home. It´s only every other year - next year will be the medieval fest in Ingolstadt (which I like better, to be honest =D)
The Neuburger Schlossfest is a Renaissance fair and it takes place in the old town of Neuburg which surrounds a castle at the top of a small hill - what a pretty place ! We were there already two years ago, but I think I didn´t write any post about it because I was dissapointed by how overcrowded the place was ...
This year we expected that and even though it was again full of people we enjoyed it more and I managed to take some photos =)
Satan: "I hate this place, let´s go home and sleep..."
Shop with fabrics for historical dresses =)
The main reason why I wanted to go there was a shop with handmade blank books bounded in beautiful leather covers - the perfect Book of Shadows !!! I don´t know why I didn´t buy it two years ago when I saw it first... probably I foolishly hoped that I will meet this shop again on other historical events... I DIDN´T ...so I had to wait two years and now I finally have the most beautiful & perfect Book of Shadows ♥
I wasn´t wearing a costume this time, because I don´t have anything to wear suitable for this era ...actually I´m not really a fan of renaissance, that´s probably why I don´t find this festival as interresting as others <_<
So instead of some fancy robe I wore this beatiful long summer dress I bought two years ago in Paris and wore it just once for my friend´s wedding... I HAVE TO WEAR IT MORE OFTEN because it´s perfect ♥
I combined it together with another thing which was in my wardrobe never-worn even longer... 4 years maybe? I bought it because it reminded me of Florence Welch, but I was wearing only black at that time so it was impossible to match it with anything in the same style =D now I finally have clothing in colours matching to this pretty "kimono" top (I think it´s called like this?) and what´s more - it´s trendy again =D mu ha ha
dress - Jennyfer
necklace - DIY
kimono top - New Yorker
...aand the picture
( I had no idea what pose to draw, so I did something weird <_< I don´t like it much...but...I will post it anyway ... )
Now there will be probably silence for next two weeks, because a lot of things is going to happen !
For example we´re getting marriend and have to stay in Prague for the whole week after because of all the paperwork around the new name and stuff like that...eh >_<
I will post some photos from the wedding for sure when I´m back ♪
Have a beautiful day, everyone ♥
Já myslím, že ten obrázek je super, stejně tak i ty šaty, který hrozně moc závidím! Jsou úžasný! :)
OdpovědětVymazatDěkuju =) ♥
VymazatBook of Shadows! To byla hned druhá věc, která mě napadla, když jsem viděla tu spoustu deníků. Taky bych chtěla takový T_T... Dost závidím všechny tyhle akce, najít něco takového v ČR je bez šance a když už se něco najde, tak to není ani zdaleka tak super, jak to vypadá na tvých fotkách.... :(
OdpovědětVymazatNezoufej =) ! Ten pán má i stránky kde se dají knížky objednat http://www.buecherkunst.com/ (zjistila jsem to, až když jsem si jí u něj koupila a dal mi k tomu vizitku...)
VymazatJéje, ty se budeš vdávat? Tak to přeju šťastný svatební den a zejména ty dny, co budou následovat!
OdpovědětVymazatDěkuju =) ♥
VymazatTy šaty jsou překrásné! *.* A ten obrázek taky není vůbec špatný :) Můžu se jenom zepatat, ta kniha má nějaké zamykání/uzavírání, nebo je tam ten kov nahoře jenom na ozdobu? Jinak vážně dobrá volba, tak knížka vypadá vážně epicky :3
OdpovědětVymazatDěkuju =) ! Jo jo, ta knížka je normálně zavírací na tyhle pantíky a uvnitř jsou listy z hrubýho ručního papíru *o* jedna kterou tam prodával měla dokonce v papíru vlisovaný květy <3