Hello, my dear readers ♥
Today I want to tell you a little story about why and how I started knitting and how importnant is to be patient and never give up !
Once upon a time I was browsing through the internet and suddenly appeared on my dashboard a beautiful photo with lady wearing a knitted deer hat ! I found the source of the picture and realize that I was already once or twice on this magical website called Tiny Owl Knits where it was from. Unfortunatelly, same as the other time, I found out that all these pretty things are not for sale - they are all just knitting patterns. A technique which I didn´t know. I left the website in my bookmarks and got back to crochet patterns. After a while the "calling" came back in form of a book - Stephanie Dosen, owner of the blog and creator of all these patterns - released a knitting book full of magical, fairytale patterns with the deer hat photo on the cover. And it was decided - I WILL learn how to knit. Even thought I already tried many times and failed hard, I will not this time ! And I will have the deer hat !!!
This happened in last September and I started with learning right away. My wish was to get this book for Christmas from my boyfriend, but it would be useless if I don´t know how to knit util then.
It was hard. Needles were falling out of my hands, yarns tangled all together. I was learning just from Drops tutorial videos, YouTube and of course from the dear Rooster-Hill blog. It was all so confusing in comparison with crochet. And after I was casting on a simple scarf for fifth time I almost gave up and said that I won´t do this, it´s impossible to learn it ! And my boyfriend told me: "Fine, so if you don´t know how to knit I won´t buy you the book, it would be just a waste of money..." NO! I NEED THE DEER HAT ! ...and so I picked up the knitting needles again and work, work, work until I had my very first scarf, hat, another hat and beautiful Saroyan shawl (thanks to this czech translation by Rooster Hill ♥) ...
...and so I found Woodland Knits under the Christmas tree ! (of course my boyfriend already has the book when he was telling me that it´s pointless - he said that he just wanted to motivate me more argghh =D)
After Christmas I had to show the book to my best friend as soon as we met and she told me that the deer hat would make such a great birthday gift for her ! *wink wink* =D
And the idea was born - I will make matching hats for both of us ! We are celebrating birthdays always together at the beggining of Autumn - which is perfect time for a new hat !
And that´s it - I learned how to knit because of one cute hat and now I really have it. And not only me - my best friend too and I even made one more for our friend´s baby =D Now we are all cute deers and ready for winter !

(I don´t have any photos of little Anna wearing it, but believe me - she looks totally cute in it ♥ !)
I used "Ökowolle" from Wolle Rödel and circular+double-pointed needles n.6,5
the inner part of ears was made from a leftover yarn I had at home and for antlers I used white felting yarn, but I forgot the name - it was from Woller Rödel as well
...the only problem I have now when I finally know how to knit is that I´m addicted. Now that I found out that knitting isn´t as complicated as I thought, everything is possible - all these amazing elven capes, beautiful scarfs, lace shawls, leaves, cables, socks and hats - NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE TO MAKE and all these BEAUTIFUL yarns !!! aaaa I WILL KNIT THEM ALL !
ehm...well, I should stop talking and let´s take a look at some photos !
I was waiting half a year for a good weather to take them and in the end it was the best weather I could imagine - it was snowing for the third day and all Ingolstadt was completelly covered in snow *o* perfect !
snowball attack !
+ some photos from my phone
THE happy END
Have a beautiful day, everyone ♥
I love these pictures! *_* The color of the scarf matches so perfectly with your hair and eyecolor, it looks amazing. Is it selfmade, too? No need to say that this hat is like the cutest hat ever! :D
OdpovědětVymazatThank you ♥ =)
VymazatThe huge green scarf is handmade, but not by me - I bought it in Nürnberg at Christmas market from some Macedonian ladies who were knitting there =D it´s really HUGE and perfectly warm !
So cute! My owl hat was the first thing I knitted from scratch (I was very inexperienced) but it's been the best thing I've ever knitted! It motivates me to learn more. :)
OdpovědětVymazatThank you ♥ Wow - owl hat is a great idea !
VymazatAch! To je naprosto boží :D :) Nádherný fotky a outfit a ta čepice je prostě úžasná :) (i zbytek těch super pletenin šála a rukavice, to jsi taky dělala?)
OdpovědětVymazatJinak jsem našla že tahle knížka vyšla i ve Finsku - a jejich národní strom je bříza, tak na přebalu je fotka s tou březovou šálou :D Já si tu knížku koupim snad i ve finskym vydání :D
Děkuju ♥ =)
VymazatNe ne, tu šálu ani ty rukavice jsem nepletla =D ta šála je z Vánočních trhů od paní z Makedonie, co tam měla pletací stánek a ty rukavice jsou nejspíš ze SanuBabu...už si to ani nepamatuju =D
Ta šála jako bříza je úžasnost - asi jednou taky zkusím *o*
Wow, parádní! Nemám slov :) taky jsem teď koketovala s myšlenkou, že bych se naučila plést, protože všechny čepice jsou mi buď malé, nebo je pravidelně ztrácím! Navíc jsem si strašně oblíbila pletená ponča a stále jen browsím po internetech a hledám inspiraci. Už jsem koukala i na nějaké youtube návody, ale moc moudrá jsem z nich nebyla, přijde mi to hrozně složitý :D měla jsem jako malé dítě dávat u babičky větší pozor. Ale možná se k tomu taky jednou nějak dokopu, ty krásné doplňky za to určo stojí :))
OdpovědětVymazatJooo to určitě stojí za to =) Zkus okouknout ty Drops videa, oni tam mají i mraky návodů zdarma - rovnou si k nim můžeš objednat i vlnu od českýho distributora z Brna, takže se nemusíš bát že by to pak nějak nevyšlo nebo podobně a navíc ty vlnky fakt nejsou drahý =) Ty jejich videa jsou podle mě pochopitelný, akorát se na to musíš koukat pořád znova a znova a rovnou u toho plíst =D (ze začátku je to horor)
VymazatA ponča jsou jednoduchý - to zvládneš v pohodě =) Budu držet palce !
Jsi nadějí a inspirací pro nás nešikovné, kteří doufají, že se jim snad taky jednou něco povede :D. Fotky jsou všechny tak super, hrozně ti to sluší a čapka je boží :). Mimochodem, neuvažovala jsi někdy o tom, že bys udělala makeup tutorial? Docela by mě zajímal :).
OdpovědětVymazatDěkuju =) Já myslím, že bys to zvládla v pohodě - na pletení není nic víc než trpělivost =D
VymazatJá nevim - můj make-up je tak jakože spíš pokus/omyl a nejlevnější vegan kosmetika co se dá sehnat =D ...ale tak možná...třeba, až nebudu mít co dělat ♪
The _best_ hat ever! Seriously, it looks amazing! And I loooove our outfit and your makeup ^^
OdpovědětVymazatI shall keep it short today: That knitting obsession looks fabulous. You are ever so amazing! ♥♥♥