pátek 7. listopadu 2014

Lolita Swap Meet 2014

Hello, my dear readers ♥

In October I attended lolita meet-up of Franconian Princesses again - this time the "swap meet" edition ! I have to say that I was looking forward to it the whole year, because I didn´t have a chance to buy any new lolita clothes until now *__* 
After the great dissapointment with Sleipnir jsk, I´m really sceptical about buying lolita clothes online in pre-order from indie brands and I don´t have enought money to buy Japanese clothing. I´m too slow for shopping on lolita sales and I also don´t go after anything specific =D So this swap meet is like heaven for my lolita soul ♪ I can try everything on, I know who wore it before and I can buy it and wear right away =) So I was saving money since the summer ended and hoped to buy some new things to my collection there... ♪

And of course I did !
I bought absolutely beautiful Innocent World "Violets inside Mansions" skirt, nice and light blouse for mori/cult party kei outfits and a cute brooch from Vanillas Traumfabrik ♥ (+ one Christmas gift but that´s secret shh!)

Sorry for starting with showing my new things, but I´M JUST SO HAPPY about them =D

The meet-up itself was great ! So many girls were there, brought delicious food, we talked a lot and I had a chance to cuddle with Kerstin´s cat ♥ aww

But now I have tell you about the most amazing thing of the whole day. The birthday surprise girls prepared for me ! I had no idea they have something for me and I couldn´t believe my eyes when I unpacked the gift ...

The most beautiful amazing great STEAMPUNK jsk with buckles, gear and A BUNNY !!!
It´s just PERFECT for me ♥
Thank you so much, again !!!
♥ ♥ ♥

(outfit photos soon - I already wore it a week later for Rommily´s b-day party mu ha ha *_*)

But now back to the meet-up !
I wore casual lolita for this occasion, because I knew that I will be trying on some clothes and also there will be a lot of cat hair and food everywhere =D

floral headband - DIY
cardigan - second-hand store
necklace - Tally Weijl
belt - Terranova
skirt - second-hand (Bodyline)

And two nice photos from outside taken by Ophi ♥

...my lolita collection really grew in the past month ! ...ehm I didn´t tell you yet that I also bought one more dress from Alice Hearts uf fu fu - this one *o* It will be just perfect for my "mori" lolita plans...and it will look nice even without wig, just with my dreadlocks !

...and now - stop buying lolita and get back to Christmas shopping =D
Do you have any gifts already? I have almost everything for my bf, nothing for my mum and next to nothing for my friends...eh not good, not good >_<
We already planned to go shopping two weekends ago, but every time there is something in the way...last week it was holiday in Germany and all shops were closed and this weekend we´re going to Prague...TO TAKE A LOOK AND PROBABLY EVEN BUY A PUPPY OMG WE FINALLY DID IT ! *____*
....so now please keep fingers crossed that everything will be alright and our neighbours won´t be mad about it....it´s not exactly permitted here, but there are other people with much bigger dogs in the same house, so we hope it won´t be much of a problem....but I´m still anxious like hell >_< eek !

Have a nice day, everyone ♥

10 komentářů:

  1. Nakonec štěňátko a ne kočku? Budu držet palce, utajit psa je mnohem složitější než utajit kočku nebo králíčka. :D

    1. Kočku jsme nikde nesehnali, tu co jsme chtěli...jediná opravdu hypoalrgenní je sphynx a ruská modrá a na obě jsou hrozně dlouhý čekací lhůty a rezervace na vrhy a podobně...na to nemám nerva =D s tím štěnětem to byla náhoda, už to sleduju docela dlouho a teď konečně se objevil inzerát co se mi líbil =) tak snad to vyjde ♪

  2. Ty steampunkový šatičky jsou nádherný! :-O Už se těším, až s nimi stvoříš nějaký outfit :)) Jinak já osobně bych si raději vystála frontu na sphynxe, ale to je tím, že jsem neuvěřitelný kočkomil a o psa bych se navíc ani nedokázala pořádně postarat :)) Ale hlavně, že budete mít doma hnedle o něco veseleji ;)

    1. Ty šaty jsou mega úžasný *__* vůbec jsem nevěděla, že nějaký takový existují takže jsem z nich vážně na větvi =D k outfitu mi ještě zbývá nějaká elegantnější obuv, nicméně už jsem je samozřejmě měla - fotky brzo =D
      Já už jsem po pejskách koukala asi půl roku a teď se tam konečně úplně náhodou objevil super inzerát, konečně od normálních lidí, žádná množírna, papíry, hned k odběru...tak jsem si říkala to je osud - jedem ! ...a už je doma...veseleji je tady rozhodně =D

  3. Jééé a jakýpak štěňátko??? :) Jinak outfit je super a i ty steampunkový šaty = dokonalost (:

    1. Děkujuu =)
      Štěňo už je na istagramu, ale to už si ho stejně viděla =D (to jenom aby to nevypadalo, že neodpovídám)

  4. I'm still so happy, that we managed to get this JSK for you. :D

    1. It´s amazing T__T ♥ Thank you so much ! I have to wear it again as soon as possible =D
