úterý 14. října 2014

Autumn Antlers

Hello, my dear readers ♥

At the beginning of September I made a new set of antlers for Porcelain Doll. The weather was still very warm and sunny, but I was already in full autumn mood so when I was shopping for materials colourful leaves, plastic toadstools and ivory clay "magically" appeared in my bag =D As I got home I couldn´t wait to start working on them - everything looked so great together *o*
After they were finished I need to take some photos and since they were so woodland themed...I dressed up as a faun !

I liked the look so much that I was seriously thinking about going out again and buy things for one more pair and keep it for myself >_< But unfortunatelly...there are no occasions for me to dress up in full-autumn-faun mode and I already have two pairs of antlers !
So I at least took a lot of photos...and put together an outfit =)

Here are photos of each pair...they might look all the same, but there is a different amounts of leaves, toadstools and briars on them ♪

And my "faun traveller" outfit !

antlers, brooch, sweater - made by me
faun ears - The Elven Caravan
pants - SanuBabu
bag, shoes - h&m

As you can see I even tried to do some interresting make-up on my face =D I was inspired by the famous deer make-up, but I don´t like the dark nose and split upper lip so I remade it into more casual version =) No need for expensive make-up to achieve this look - I´m using Alverde vegan cosmetics from DM only ♪

There are still some of the antlers available in Porcelain Doll shop. Later they will probably appear on e-shop as well...and if they get sold, don´t worry - I´ll make more of them soon ! But how they will look depends on materials I´ll find in the shops =)

I hope you´re all enjoying autumn as much as I do !
Have a nice day, everyone ♥

13 komentářů:

  1. Celej outfit je boží, nádherný barvy! Taky zbožňuju podzim :)

  2. To vypadá super, ten makeup je úžas a vlasy a svetřík a brož a ..no všechno prostě :)

  3. Naprosto dokonalé! :) Tvoje doplňky jsem obdivovala už na Natsuconu a nákup růžků dost zvažovala, ale nakonec to vyhrál jeden "steampunkový" doplněk do vlasů :) tak možná příště! A musím od tebe nějak odkoukat i to líčení :))

    1. Moc děkuju =) Klidně okoukávej - není na tom vůbec nic těžkýho =) jenom si to chce pořídit takový ten plochý štěteček na oční stíny, dají se tím pěkně udělat ty linky pod očima - tužkou je to takový moc výrazný...
      Parůžky určitě budou ještě další, takže třeba se ti zalíbí něco v další várce ♪

  4. oh la la you are so lovely <3 *_* I love your make up!!

  5. Abych nevypadala jen jako spammer, tak tohle musím samozřejmě pochválit... když ty děláš všechno tak fajnově, že člověku brzo dojdou pochvaly a neví co napsat.

    A teď abych vypadala jako spammer, ačkoli nejsem, tohle jsem našla na pinterestu. Někdo tě našel na LB:) http://www.pinterest.com/pin/125467539594499527/

    1. ha ha =D děkuju moc !
      aaa no jo ! Super, jsem na Pinterestu =D děkuju za odkaz !

  6. Cute outfit! And your make-up and accessories are stunning!
