středa 10. září 2014

DIY long see-through skirt

Hello, my dear readers ♥

Very, veery long time ago I bought about 4m of a nice unbelievably cheap fabric (just 30cents for a meter !). I had a clear vision of what I´m going to make from it when I bought it, but...I never got to it - for three years ?! There was always something in the way - school, too many lolita skirts, no pattern, crochet, knitting, bad sewing machine ... =D

So when I unpacked my new sewing machine and (what´s the best) my new overlock sewing machine I had to try it on something before I started working on lolita skirts for the shop. And because I´m in need for some pretty witchy long skirt I decided to finally give this fabric its purpose =)

I wanted to make the skirt rounded, but then I found out that 4m is still not enough for a rounded long skirt and I really wanted a LONG after an hour of searching on Pinterests and other websites...I ended up making the pattern myself by my favourite skirt ♪ It´s not perfect...if you look closely the skirt isn´t exactly symmetrical, but who cares ? I don´t =D

The fabric is really thin and see-through with a tiny little red flowers printed on it. I was thinking about an underskirt for it, but since it was middle of summer and totally hot I changed my mind and combined it with just short leggins - much more comfortable !

I wore it for a one-day trip to Munich somewhere in July. We wanted to attend local Japanese festival. I was imagining someting like our dear AkiMatsuri in Prague - a lot of Japanese people making their food, origami, great atmosphere...
...and I was terrified when we got there >_< Yeah there were Japanese people with food, but they were absolutely outnumbered by crazy, screaming, stinking otakus in bad cosplays ...uhhh bad cosplays, bad cosplays everywhere T___T !!!

Sooo we just walked through...I couldn´s see anything from the ikebana exhibition, because otakus were lying everywhere and screaming KAWAII and SUGOII on everything -_-
What´s more to say - we were happy to be out and went watching surfers on Isar. (there is a part of the river in the park where you can do surfing...if you know how, of course !)

And so instead of Japanese festival we at least finally saw the park, had some lunch and took a stroll around the center. It was terribly hot on that day so finally tried frozen yogurt ! Yummy ♪ 

Photos aren´t the best because sun was shinning on my usuall photo spot on balcony, so I had to take them inside and then in park...but I think you can see the skirt clearly =)

I put it together with my new amazing t-shirt with Ganesha and a matching headband which I made from a piece of leftover fabric from the skirt =D

t-shirt - Tally Weijl
headband, skirt, bag - DIY
earrings - WolfTea

Have a nice day, everyone ♥

7 komentářů:

  1. Páni, ta sukně se ti fakt povedla. Je krásná... Takovou dlouhou z lehkého materiálu, ale ne ze šifonu, jsem letos sháněla po obchodech, ale marně... A na to, abych si ji ušila, nemám stroj ani nervy... Takže závidím tvým šikovný ručičkám :)

    1. Moc děkuju ♥
      A budu držet palce abys jí někde (třeba nejlíp v letních slevách) objevila =)

  2. Koukám, že jsme měly podobný nápad. XD Já si před nedávnem ušila taky dlouhou sukni, taky s poloprůhledného materiálu a taky jsem si k tomu udělala i šátek. :D
    Kdyžtak se můžeš podívat u mě na blogu: :)

    Ale máš to opravdu pěkné a ta látka má hezký vzor. :)

    1. Teda ta vypadá perfektně ! Ty jsi ohromně produktivní, jak koukám o__o =D

      Děkuju ♥ ♪

    2. To jsem, ale jen díky tomu, že aktuálně sháním práci, takže mám i dost volného času, zvlášť o víkendech. XD Ještě před nedávnem jsem totiž dost nestíhala a o víkendu jsem byla ráda za postel. XD

      Ráda tu chodím - máš tu totiž vždycky něco, co mě zaujme a někdy inspiruje. :)

  3. Ganeshovské tričko! A ta sukně! Úžasné, prostě... já nemůžu. Taky si vždycky z ušitejch sukní nechávám kusy látek na nějaký vlasový doplňky :)

    1. Já tam to triko nemohla nechat i když už jsem skoro ani neměla manýz =D (jak je někde Ganesha tak to beru)
      Děkuju ♥
