úterý 6. května 2014

First time in Regensburg

Hello, my dear readers ♥

A few weeks ago we decided to finally visit Regensburg ! It´s really close to our town, but we haven´t been there yet since we moved to Germany >_< What a shame ! Such a beautiful town *o*
I really like the historical centre - a lot of tiny little super-old streets, beautiful shops and cafés. I fell in love with a store in one of those streets called "Gewürz Depot", which has an interior made of green wood and was completely full of every spice you can imagine *__* I bought there a sack of red pepper and a mixture for zucchini meals.

Then we visited a store for artists, because I desperately needed black Polychromos pencil =D I bought four different colours...and almost left with A3 copic block - my bf didn´t allow me to do so, because he didn´t like the image of a whole day in town spent with huuuge sketch book in our hands =D

We also went to a tiny little vegetarian restaurant and had absolutely amazing veggie burgers with A LOT of chips =3 Then we took a walk on the old bridge...well, we walked over the bridge which is beside the old one - unfortunatelly the historical bridge is completely under construction because it was probably badly damaged by floods last year =(

At the end of the day we went to a cute vegetarian café Sofa - "pub, café and living room" =D It was furnished only with old vintage sofas and cozy armchairs. Which we found really nice, only if there weren´t so many dust allergens which bothered my boyfriend all the time >_<

After this little rest at café we slowly went to our car and headed back home. In the evening we changed into dark clothes and went to try a goth party in Ingolstadt - wow o_o I´ve never met a goth here and now I found out that there is party every month with 9 year tradition ?!!! And it was great ! So much better that most of the parties I every visited in Czech Republic ha ha =D

For this tourist day I wore two new things I bought in sales at H&M. A simple long-sleeved dress and a brown over-dress, which is bleeding colour like hell >_< My hands were completely blue after the whole day of wearing it ! grr now I know why it was so cheap ! But it looks so good that I´ll probably wear it anyway =D

sun glasses - Claire´s
earrings - WolfTea
dress and over-dress - H&M

And a few photos from the town ♪

We left our car at a car park which is on top of small bio super-market (*o*). We took a look inside and...... there was a sweet shop which looked exactly like my finals project at school O___O !!! I was making a scale-model (or how to call it) of a candy store window and it had all these pastel colours and pink/white striped wallpaper =D whee I´m so happy that someone made it real !

This is an important message !

Have you ever been to Regensburg? Did you like it =)?
I definitelly want to come back ! I love this old-town atmosphere without tourist craziness like it´s in Prague =D (But Nürnberg is still my favourite city in Bayern he he ♥(
Do you know any other pretty places I should visit in Bayern? Tell me, tell me, please !

9 komentářů:

  1. I absolutely love this look!
    Regensburg looks cozy ♥

  2. Mám z HM podobně vyhlížející pseudosvetr. Nejdřív jsem byla nadšená, ale rychle se ale vytahal, takže teď vypadá čarodějnicky a netopýrovitě a jsem nadšená možná ještě víc, haha. Barvu ale naštěstí nepouští.
    V Regensburgu jsem nikdy nebyla ovšem. Plánuju se tam ale jednou podívat právě kvůli té goth party. Jaký to bylo? Co tam hráli? :)

    1. Tak to závidím - tuten už je vytahanost dost, hlavně proto že je to snad Lko =D Tak doufám, že se to už víc natahovat nebude >_<
      aa pozor ! Ta pártoška nebyla v Regensburgu, ale "u nás" v Ingolstadtu - no za tou rozhodně ty kilometry nestojí jezdit, ale třeba taková Schwarz Tanz party v Norimberku už možná jo =) ta se mi líbila velmi ! O gothic komunitě v Regensburgu nevím zatím nic, protože tam ani nikoho neznám =/
      Jinak tady co jsem zatím byla tak jsou goth party buď rozdělený žánrově - jakože vyloženě oldies goth party, nebo elektro a nebo pak jsou ty neutrální kde hrajou všechno třeba po 15ti/30ti minutovejch setech a to mi přijde vážně super =) Není to tak vyčerpávající pokud zrovna hrajou tvojí notu a na druhou stranu když zrovna hrají něco nudnýho je to tak akorát na drink a čůrací pauzu a žádnej vopruz a čekání, až to pana DJe přestane bavit =D

    2. Aaaha. Kamarádka bydlela jeden čas v Regensburgu a cosi jsem tam v té době zaregistrovala - uvažovala jsem dokonce, že bych jela. Tak jsem si to teď možná spletla.
      Krátký sety zní dobře - někdy to může udělat i lepší dojem než celovečerní jednosměr. Inu, snad se brzo do Německa podívám. Ideálně na WGT :D

  3. Cool dress ! Nice pictures!

    Saskia! xo

  4. Nádherný fotky! :)) Do Řezna bych se taky strašně ráda podívala, jen si najít čas na výlet do Německa :) každopádně nutně potřebuji tu ceduli s kočkou :D

    1. Jsem ráda, že se líbí =) ♪
      ha ha kdybych měla kočku, tak mi tady ta cedule už visí =D
