úterý 3. prosince 2013


Hello, my dear readers ♪

Today I want to show you my lolita outfit from the latest meet-up with Franconian princesses. It was in the middle of November and since it was already pretty cold the whole meet took place at Caro´s house. We brought a lot of yummy food and talked even more =D
I was in a really great mood after this meet-up - not only because I met some nice girls I didn´t know yet, had fun and ate a lot - the main reason for my happiness was the fact that I was able to follow conversation in German - I UNDERSTOOD *o* I still can´t talk fast, so I´m always talking in English, but I can understand what´s going on and that´s the most important thing for me ! A PROGRESS !

At first I wanted to (finally) wear my BTSSB skirt from Paris, but then I remembered  how the combination of me + nice dress + food doesn´t work. And so I decided for something darker. It´s been such a long time since I last wore this black skirt ! I combined it with just black and red to match my hair and contact lences...
...I was a vampire gothic lolita *__*

 headbow : Porcelain Doll
choker, skirt : DIY
jacket : RTBU
shoes Vagabond

I wish I have more opportunities to wear lolita T_T I have so many ideas !
I just can´t wait for the next meet-up ♥

5 komentářů:

  1. Krása, moc ti to sluší. ^^
    Btw. ten přívěšek, co máš na krku, mám já už několik let úplně ten stejný, ale našitý přímo na černém krajkovém obojku. :D

    1. Moc děkuju =) !
      Já jsem to koupila jenom jako komponent a choker byl jasná volba =D

  2. That skirt is so cool and lovely. And your hair and eyes are both brilliant and stunning, I am a big fan of tights with patterns so I really love those. Hope to see more of them sometime soon :) You look so fierce and wonderful!
