Hi, my dear readers ♪
I have so many outfits to post, but I´m too tired to blog these days -_- Do you have it the same? It´s the darkness so soon in the afternoon ! My body just thinks it´s night already and I´m sleepy at 18pm, unable to put together any decent text in English =D
I hope I´ll get used to it soon and start to be active again...or I´ll just go to sleep like a bear and wake up in spring =3
Today I want to show you another of my attempts at mori-girl. I made a new floral headband and a super-cute bracelet from real acorns which I both wear in photos =) I dressed up like that just because I was in a mood for something mori and then my bf took me to a shop with cars to chose a new one for us. I have no idea what the shopkeeper was thinking about me - dressed up like some kind of fairy, talking in a weird russian-like language and with a silly face because I absolutely don´t understand cars ha ha =D
floral headband, acorn bracelet, tote-bag - DIY
necklace - a gift from Han <3
long-sleeved shirt is from C&A and all the other things are just too old to remember, or I simply don´t know
And a detail of my new bracelet =)
It was super-easy to make it - don´t be afraid and try one too !
I have no idea how long it will last, but it´s so pretty ♥
I just used jewellery components, strong glue and this devilish destists tool (the sharp one, not the mirror =D) - it´s so useful ! I definitely recomend to get one somewhere, because it´s the most multifunctional tool for someone who crafts a lot !
When I buy more components in this colour I plan to make matching earrings as well and maybe some hair accessory from acorns other nuts I collected in autumn *o*
To je hrozné, tohle brzké stmívání :/
OdpovědětVymazatNaprosto dokonalý outfit! :3
Já bych to zrušila, nebo se stěhuju na zimu do Austrálie =D
VymazatDěkuju !
Všechno ti to moc sluší ♥ haha s těma autama jsem na tom dost podobně! :D jojoo zubařský náčiníčko, takový podivný rypadlo používá moje mamka k paličkování... ale nevím kde se dá sehnat - kde jsi ho sehnala ty? To se dá jako někde koupit? :D
OdpovědětVymazatMoc děkuju =)
VymazatJe to úplně víceúčelová věc ! Já jí mám ale od tety co je zubařka, no...jinak normálně nevím kde to vzít =/ leda přes nějaký doktorsky založený lidi ...
Souhlasím, taky nesnáším, když už je ve 4 tma jak v pytli :) hlavně, když musím některé dny vysedávat až do 8 ve škole -_- jinak to máš opět úžasně sladěné, v tomhle stylu se mi líbíš asi nejvíc! :)
OdpovědětVymazatMoc děkuju ♥
Vymazatjo...to jsem taky vždycky nesnášela - do školy za tmy, ze školy taky -_-
What a wonderful, pretty outfit. Especially like the vest.
OdpovědětVymazatThank you =) !!!
VymazatAmazing outfit <3 Especially love your bracelet and the Orwell's 1984 tote-bag :)
OdpovědětVymazatThank you so much ! ♥