Today I want to show you another of my Autumn-inspired outfits ♪
I´m in love with this amazing dress from C&A - it has such a beautiful print in colour of fallen leaves ! When I found it in the shop they had only L size, but I tried it on anyway. And...(I have no idea how it is possible) - it fits me just fine =D The sizing on these dresses has to be done wrong, because then I had a chance to see the S size and it was almost the same as the one I have in L o_O weird...but good, because otherwise I wouldn´t buy it !
Appart from an Autumn dress I wore my new false-fur collar which I bough from Ophelie on lolita swap-meet in September. And a beautiful necklace with tiny little bottle which has moss and a wing of a butterfly inside - a gift from my friend Han <3
I´m not sure if I can call this outfit mori or maybe natural-kei...?
dress, cardigan, leg-warmers : C&A
bag : H&M
necklace : gift from Han
The name of this post is from a song by Massive Attack ♪
I really love their music ! I think I heard the "Mezzanine" album more than 100000times and it´s still perfect.
I wanted to share the song with you, but unfortunatelly all their songs are forbidden for German YouTube -_-
I was working on this post since yesterday, because blogger is doing some weird things with photos.
The name of this post is from a song by Massive Attack ♪
I really love their music ! I think I heard the "Mezzanine" album more than 100000times and it´s still perfect.
I wanted to share the song with you, but unfortunatelly all their songs are forbidden for German YouTube -_-
I was working on this post since yesterday, because blogger is doing some weird things with photos.
It makes photos ugly, with bad colours...we found out that there was something wrong with google+ which is now part of blogger (or something like that, I don´t know) and there is something "clever" which is suppose to make all uploaded photos I shut it down, photos are better but still they look a bit uglier that those in my PC =/
Does anyone has the same problem?
Does anyone has the same problem?
Krásný outfit! Vážně, něco takovýho bych mohla nosit pořád, a pořád bych si připadala úžasně :) :D Ach jo taky chci svoje S-kový někam vzít, pokud možno než napadne sníh....akorát nemám žádný odpovídající boty -__- a jsem ráda že jsi motýlka vzala "proletět" ♥ :)
OdpovědětVymazatDěkuju =)
VymazatJá toho motýla v lahvičce nosím téměř každý den - hodí se mi snad úplně ke všemu, úplně náhrdelník co mi scházel !
Jo...najít hnědý hezký boty je horor...já nakonec sehnala až Mustangy v Norimberku =D jenže od tý doby je hnusně a ještě jsem je nikde neměla -_-
Taky nevím jak bych to nazvala, ale líbí se mi to :3 Ty šaty jsou prostě nádherné!
OdpovědětVymazatDěkuju =) !
Vymazatnice autumn hues
OdpovědětVymazatThank you ♪
Vymazatahoj, poslední dobou jsem si velice oblíbila tvůj blog, dostala jsem možnost nominace na Liebster Award, takže jsem tě nominovala. doufám, že ti to nevadí, samozřejmě s tím dál nemusíš pokračovat. musela jsem taky nominovaného o nominaci informovat:D ...tak se měj hezky. :)
OdpovědětVymazatTutěch akcí neúčastním, ale i tak děkuji za nominaci =) !