I want to keep this blog fresh and I don´t want to always start posts with "a few weeks ago" >_<
And so I decided that I´ll put the remaining outfits from September in one post. I´m taking quite a lot of outfit photos these days, since I´m going to school almost everyday and most importantly I found a new place in our flat which is perfect for photos when it´s dark outside *_*
Also I´m not sure if these four are something extra to have their own posts =D But I still like them and it would be a waste to keep them only in my "outfit folder" ...
In September I had a little fashion crisis, not only because of the change of weather but because I really wanted to wear natural colours and mori outfits and I didn´t have anything from which I could be able to put a decent outfit together -_-
Sales in C&A and their amazing knitt collection saved me from being grumpy and I finally wore mori outside for the first time...oh, but that happened in October and that´s not a month we´re talking about here =) ♪
So let´s get back to September outfits !
The first one is my birthday outfit ! I wore it for an amazing dinner with my boyfriend ♥ We went to the best japanese restaurant in Ingolstadt - Shinshu, which belongs to japanese family and it has absolutely beautiful atmosphere and the most delicious everything ! I had gyoza and like 16 pieces of maki sushi and I almost exploded =D (I especially liked the one with fried salmon inside *o*)
top - New Yorker
necklace - Claire´s
bracelet - gift from my bf
skirt - Terranova
tights - C&A
In the second one I tried to wear something more goth after a while, because I wanted to take photos of my new hoodie from Blackcraft =)
But I found out that I don´t like wearing magenta/black combination and bat tights anymore ...I´m getting old, or I don´t know >_<
Anyway the hoodie with Wednesday is my favourite right now...probably because I have only two hoodies - a complete black and this one =D
hoodie - Blackcraft
tights - from WGT
"I ♥ cats" button - H&M
creepers - Demonia
The 3rd outfit has a cute story behind it which I wrote on my fb earlier ♪
One morning I woke up and the whole Ingolstadt was covered in fog with this silent atmosphere in the streets. I was just reading the Frankenstein book from Mary Shelley in which she describes that the Frankenstein´s monster was brought to live in Ingolstadt literally a few streets away from our home. I really like the book and so I got really excited about this creepy weather and wore my dear t-shirt with Boris Karloff/Frankenstein´s monster. On my way to school, just when I was thinking how perfect is the morning for reading this book a funny lady stopped me, pointed a finger on my t-shirt and said : "Is this Frankenstein?!! Oh my god, that´s pefect ! You looks so artistic ! I´m just reading the book !!! Look !" and she showed me her Frankenstein book, we agreed that it´s really a good one, said good morning to each other and continued in our ways - I had to smile the whole morning after that =)
poncho/cardigan - H&M
t-shirt - Nosferatu (gothic shop in Prague)
skirt - Terranova
shoes - Vagabond
And the last outfit is really lazy <_<
I had a sore throat on that day so I had to stay warm and for this purpose is this uglybeatiful sweater just perfect. I´m not sure if my scarf matched or not, but maybe it´s because this scarf looks weird with everything =D
sweater - vintage
shorts - Terranova
tights - RTBU legwear
And that´s all for now =)
If I collect more outfits than I´m able to post in October as well, I´ll do a post like this again ♪
What do you think? Which one do you like the most ?
My personal favourite is the one with Frankie, probably because I´m still in love with the book.
Did you read it ? And like it?
I just love classic books and I´m slowly collecting as much Penguin Popular Classics as possible. So I can read them all in english *o* but I like classic books in czech as well...the language and the narrative style, or how to say it, it´s just beautiful in old books ♥ and they smell so good
arw i really love your style, it's so individual and awesome! :3 my favourite outfit is the last one, because it's so bright and cute and the days are so gloomy at the moment. but the other ones are really nice, too. and gosh, i really love the bat tights! wanna have them, too <3
OdpovědětVymazatit would be great to see more such outfit posts! :)
Thank you so much ♥ !
VymazatI´m really happy that you like the last one, because light colours are something I ended up wearing after my little fashion crisis =D because there should be more light colours in this dark weather, exactly as you said ! I don´t want to be all black when the winter comes this year *_*
I think I saw these tights somewhere on eBay, maybe even with shipping from UK =) I bought them in random stall on festival which doesn´t even have any website =/
Super outfity! ♥ u toho prvního se mi moc líběj punčocháče, no heeem...trochu mi připomínaj severský vzor. je tam na nich nebo to moje mysl blbne? :D jinak nejvíc u mě vede Frankie. Příběh s tou pani je faajn! :) Joo na tvojí radu jsem si taky šla koupit Penguin Popular Classic, speciáně Wuthering Heights, ale nějak jako hned na první stránce bylo moc slov který neznám a tak jsem jí už týden neotevřela :D:D
OdpovědětVymazatDěkuju ♪
Vymazatjo...jako něco na ten způsob na těch punčocháčích bude...ale takový ty klasický vzory to úplně nejsou (škoda)
No s těma Penguinama to chce trochu trpělivost, já ty knížky vždycky čtu sto let protože to chce se na to fakt soustředit a některý věty si musim přečíst i víckrát a hlavně mít po ruce slovník...já tady mám ještě Drákulu a Doriana Greye, už se na ně nemůžu dočkat *o* Wuthering Heights se taky chystám zakoupit =3 ...když já se chystám zakoupit celý knihkupectví pokaždý když tam jsem, takže to nemá ani cenu říkat =D