In the time of Oktoberfest which is taking place just a 100km from us - in Munich, there is a tiny little one in Ingolstadt, as well. It´s called Volksfest (that´s what posters were saying), but many people called it Herbsfest...I don´t know, probably both are correct =D
Last year I only heard about this event from my bf since he was already working here, but I was still in Prague. So this was my very first time visiting a Bavarian fest !
My bf´s friends from university were visiting us on that weekend so we went there together (which was quite boring for me, because they were talking about cars all the time -_-), but then we met up with our Italian friends, who are Honza´s collegues from Audi and we are going out together quite a lot lately and it´s always a lot of fun =)
We stayed in the main "big tent" for about two hours, had this huge beer and some cheese. It was super crowded, loud and dirty. I didn´t like it that much. But then we moved into more peaceful tent with better (and smaller) beers and it got a lot better.
Boys went to the big ferris wheel, because there was a beautiful view on the fest at night. I didn´t go, because it was spinning too fast for my taste + I´m quite scared of heights <_< But I have at least some photos to show you !
In the end we had so much fun, that after the fest was almost closed we went to one of these traditional bavarian pubs and continuted there....quite a long night after a while, I haven´t been out with people for so long ! And I had unusual amount of beers ha ha, but it just tastes so much better than in Czech Republic =D
In the time of Fest, almost everyone in the town dressed up in traditional Dirndl dress or Lederhosen. I love it ! It makes me so happy to see that tradition is still so alive here that even teenage girls and boys were wearing these and had fun at the Fest. And I really wish to have a Dirndl , too *o* unfortunatelly it´s quite expensive, so this year I went with just a jacket from "Wiesn collection" from New Yorker and I hope to save some money until the next year for at least the cheaper one from C&A =)
Anyway I really like this jacket, it´s so pretty ! But these colours...I almost panicked at the thought how to combine it =D
I don´t have any magenta t-shirt or a matching skirt...but then I got an idea - my laser space cats leggins are blue and there is some magenta as well !
I don´t have any magenta t-shirt or a matching skirt...but then I got an idea - my laser space cats leggins are blue and there is some magenta as well !
And so I ended up putting together these two crazy garments =)
People on the Fest liked it...especially those who drank too much beer and called me "Süsse Katze" ...and most of them one old man who was so amazed by those cats on my leggins that he lifted me up in his arms and started shouting "HEY EVERYONE LOOK AT THESE CATS !!! THAT´S SO BEAUTIFUL !!!"
ha ha =D
None of them were rude, it was just for fun - that was really nice to see
jacket - New Yorker
bag - H&M
leggins - Lovelysally
shoes - Vagabond
bag - H&M
leggins - Lovelysally
shoes - Vagabond
...and something from the Fest
How about you? Have you ever been to Oktoberfest? Or do you want to go there?
I always wanted to go, but after being two hours in this overcrowded and loud tent...I think I changed my mind =D Volksfest in Ingolstadt is enough for me <_<
To sáčko je supeer *_* i když já bych ho nemohla zkombinovat snad ani s ponožkama, tahle barva u mě zcela chybí :D:D nevím, jestli někdy podobný fest navštívíme, protože já si s pivem zatím moc nerozumím a Míla taky moc ne..ale je super, a závidím, že ty lidi byli milý se tady prostě nevidí...:(
OdpovědětVymazatNo já taky pivu nikdy neholdovala, ale tadyto pšeničný to vůbec tak nesmrdí jako český piva a chutná mi i víc než jen jedna sklenice =D ! Což se mi v ČR někde v hospodě/klubu snad nikdy nepovedlo...tam stěží dopiju malou sklenici <_<
VymazatDo jakých hospod to holky chodíte? :D určitě ne tam, kam my, tam mají vždycky výběr piva všeho druhu :D. Vypadá to jako zajímavá akce, i když pouťové atrakce si nikdy neužiju, na rychlých se bojím a na pomalých nudím... Sluší ti to, ostatně jako vždy :). A máš tu pěknou kabelku, kterou jsem si nenápadně přála a nikdo mi ji nekoupil :D.
OdpovědětVymazatNo tak jako normálně hospody a kluby...samozřejmě třeba v Pivovarským klubu si taky vždycky vyberu =) mě mrzí s tou kabelkou, ale neboj jak znám H&Mko určitě jí zase za chvíli vytáhnou až bude "in" lack =D