This post is a littlle time travell back to the middle of summer.
In July I got an invitation from Franconian Princesses to join them on photoshoot with a photographer Karin Reichert. I was so happy ! I love photoshooting ♥
After a few changes it took place on Faber-Castell castle in Nürnberg, which is a really beautiful location for photos.
Each of us had to prepare two outfits, so we had a really wide spectrum of lolita styles. I wore kuro outfit as the first one and a steampunk lolita outfit as the second one.
Everything was perfect except for the it wasn´t was the hottest day in Germany after 30 years D= and we were all dressed up in blouses, petticoats and tigths ...and it was around 35°C the whole day, with a clear sky and not a bit of wind...I think I don´t have to tell you how amazing it was to took everything off after the photoshoot and walk around the park just in bloomers and a tank top =D
Some of us went running in the grass-watering system, I was just sitting on the fountain with my whole legs underwater =)
Anyway, I´m really thankful for such an occasion, it was a lot of fun and we have so many beautiful photos !
Let´s start with the kuro lolita outfit
While waiting, Ophelie took some pretty photos of us as well ♪
These little flowers were just beautiful !
headbow : Porcelain Doll
jsk : BTSSB
blouse : Anna House
wrist-cuffs : Emerald Dream
And steampunk lolita ♪
( was so hard to find these tights in shops in the middle of summer >_< !!!)
hat : DIY
choker, googles, pocket-watch : DraculaClothing
skirt : made by Maxé
gloves : Riwaa Nerona
tights : C&A
And one group photo at the end ♥
No...upřímně... tvoje steampunk lolita je asi nejkrásnější lolití outfit jaký jsem kdy viděla... ende. ♥
OdpovědětVymazataaale to nevim =D Jsem ráda, že se líbí tak moc !
VymazatJá doufám, že si to budu mít možnost někam ještě vzít víc než na 10 minut =D moc steampunkových příležítostí není =/
ano, ano, boží! úplně jak kdybys vyběhla z Říše divů. :D
VymazatTie posledne su strasne, ale strrrrasne pekne!!!! :) (teda aj tie prve, ale tie steampunkove su fakt wow :D)
OdpovědětVymazatMoc děkuju ♥ jsem ráda, že se líbí steampunk lolita ♪
VymazatTo je tak krásné!!!