...and the second part of our Parisian adventures ♪
I managed to put all remaining days in this post - Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Let´s start =)
FRIDAY 16.8.
- shopping day today !
- a journey to Baby The Stars Shine Bright, we got lost a
little but then found it *o*
- those „omg I feel like in a movie/Momoko/princess/in a
dream“ feelings <3 there is
cute lolita and mr. japanese boss (i don´t know =D) who are both extremely
kind, there is also another loli-tourist dressed up in lolita (which I don´t
really understand because it´s 30°C outside and she´s wearing tights and
blouse). I´m trying on two skirts, the first one is without print, a simple fairy
baby-blue skirt, the second one is wine red with snow white print. They even
borrowed me a petticoat =3 After I tried on variety of cardigans to match the
wine skirt, I decided to buy only the skirt – because there is a lot of shops before
us and those cardigans are really expensive...
- walking
around with the Baby shopping bag over my shloulder like a boss
- next stop
Princess Crépe – the cutest place I ever visited, with two japanese girls
dressed-up in lolita making crépes, with j-pop playing in the background,
crépes are delicious, wrapped in pink paper, one of the crépe-girls even takes photos of
customers if they want to, they have a really good air-conditioning, I want to
stay there forever T____T but it´s getting really crowded after a while, when
the overdressed lolita and her familly arrived+pack of random tourist with
their little brats
- next stop
“Bodywood” and surrounding otaku/goth/whatever shops, it´s getting really hot
- otaku
shops are full of manga, some has pretty figures but most of them have only
this cheap "eBay anime shit"
- goth
shops has this cheap "eBay goth shit", except the one with shoes where is a lot
of t.u.k. creepers and steampunk dresses for quite a good price and of
surprisingly good quality
- in
Bodywood is Angelic pretty corner and some clothes from Milk, everything is
super expensive =D I wanted to buy at least AP socks, but then I realize that
30euro for socks is really too much
- next stop
– Notre Dame, mainly because i wanted to visit the “Harajuku” shop and another
one I found on internet
- "heavy tourist shit" – tourists, tourists and fucking tourists everywhere, hot weather,
small streets, souvenir shops full of cheap things for high prices, no
atmosphere at all only a desire to suck as much money from tourists as possible
– disgusting, exactly like in Prague
- after a
lot of walking trough this nightmare we finally reach Harajuku shop....and it
sucks, there is almost nothing, just cheap goth skirts for high price, some
weird huge j-rock costumes, last Metamorphose tote-bag (i was thinkink about
buying it but it looked like too many hands touched it already) and of course a
Moi-mem-Moitie corner – yeah, super-expensive Moitie touched by every lolita
who visited this shop, no thank you
- I´m
dissapointed and I don´t even want to look for the second shop, I just want to
sit somewhere, eat and relax.....mission impossible, everything is
mega-expensive, closed or it´s just créperie
- after
hour of walking/running away as far from Notre Dame as possible we finally stop
in Tapas bar
- so much
better, we bought some wine and watter and we are relaxing on “Paris plage” on
the riverbank =3
- then
after a sunset we go to see the Notre Dame, finally – it´s quite pretty, but
inside it´s more a show for tourists than a sacred place, not good not good at
- sitting
in front of Notre Dame, I´m little dissapointed but also a little drunk so it´s
not that bad =D
- back to
our hotel
...after *o*
Bastille metro station
we have "Parisian Street" in Prague, so I had to take photo in "Prague Street" in Paris
beautiful oriental restaurant, which closed just as we wanted to have a lunch there -_-
ita dress in the background =D
random balerina photoshoot we witnessed near Notre Dame
magical steampunk Chinese grandpa =D
magical postapocalyptic grandpa ?
And the almighty loot of the day !
- I´m
waking up with the thought on my mind that I´m not quite sure if I like this
city or not and if I´m dissapointed or happy
- in the
morning we decided to give a try to a market at Clignancourt, when we arrived
at the station there it´s a pure essence of ugliness – dealers and
pickpockets selling their loot everywhere and the only market we found was a
really sad place full of stalls with cheap “i love Paris” shit
- we are
running from this place as fast as we can, holding our bags tight not looking
anyone straight in the eyes
- next stop
– a street near Louvre, so we can walk there and get some snack on the way, I´m
in a really bad mood because suddenly Paris looks like Prague so much, maybe
even worse -_-
- really
good cake with a lot of raspberries + some shopping in Bershka and Jennyfer
brightens up my mind and when we reach Louvre (me with a new dress, cardigan and
belt, Honza with a new t-shirt) I´m starting to like this city again <_<
- Louvre is
pretty, overcrowded but still pretty, we´re walking all the way to the obelisk
and then to Champs Elysées
- I think
that it was really rude from french guys to just take the obelisk from Egypt
like some kind of souvenir and place it in the middle of Paris...I have this
mischevous wish that egyptian guys should have go to Paris, took one tower from
Notre Dame and place it in the middle of Cairo =D nevermind, the obelisk is
pretty and I saw at least a little part of Egypt
- Champs Elysées is fun, I always thought there
will be only rich people shopping in expensive shops...and there are just poor
tourists window-shopping
- we are
hungry so we´re travelling back to Bastille to look for “Loving Hut” which is
our favourite vegetarian restaurant, unfortunatelly it´s closed so we´re going
to a very nice “Chez Oscar” restaurant
- next stop
– Galerie Lafayette, because it looked pretty on flyers – and it is o_o ...and
there is a lot more expensive “burando” shops than on Chams Elysées, in my
opinion so I was just looking at all those expensive clothes wondering how much
they cost, stopped by at Vivienne Westwood and then leave back into the world
of normal prices =)
- we´re
buying some wine and watter for the evening, travelling back to hotel, just to
leave our shopping-loot there and taking metro back to Bastille again
- beautiful
evening by the river canal where are yachts and small boates parked, with a
bottle of wine and (finally) four true french macroons (cognac and coffee were
best =3)
- a stroll
by the riverbank and I´m starting to really like Paris again
- journey
back in super-crowded metro >_< (omg how I hate this !)
it was quite windy =D
tourist <_<
This ...
... is the creepiest ...
... statue ever !!! Just look at their faces D=
I finally found a car of the right size for me on Champs Elysées
I just had to take photo of it =D
shopping centre Galerie Lafayette
#lotd - loot of the day =D
short light-brown belt from Bershka - I was looking for a one like that the whole summer
absolutely beautiful dress from Jennyfer
it reminds me of fairies, Florence Welch and Mucha <3
cardigan in a beautiful autumn colour
SUNDAY 18.8.
- the last day is starting =/ packing, packing and packing
-we´re leaving our
luggage in hotel and go to visit some last places we wanted to see
- first stop – Pére Lachaise cemetery, because Oscar Wilde <3 you already know that I love cemeteries...this
one was beautiful, though there were some tourists it still has an amazing
atmosphere which was even better when we reached our goal...omg I always wanted
to see his grave and now I´m finally there T_T <3 I wish I have bought a
rose on my way there to put it on his grave...
- a few hours before leave we´re suddenly realizing that we
haven´t bought any gifts nor sent any postcards to our families <_< ...so we´re buying some in store
near the cemetery =D
- next stop – Moulin Rouge, well...it´s just normal, nothing
special, it looks better in the movie...but those shows look really interesting
– one day, when we´re going to be filthy rich we have to go there *o*
- we´re
walking through streets behind Mouline Rouge back to Montmartre, where our
adventure beggined a few days ago
- we´re
crossing a bridge not over a river, but over a cemetery O__O
- lunch in
a lovely restaurant in the middle of Montmartre =3 ...with a waiter who looked
exactly like Samwise Gamgee and who was talking about how amazing is the Cross
Club in Prague when we told him that we´re from Czech Republic =D
- we´re
taking some last looks on Sacre Coer and Paris panorama and heading slowly back
to our hotel and to railway station
- journey
home is much better that the previous one, the french super-fast train doesn´t
feel like a roller-coaster at all =)
a memorial for Czechoslovakian soldiers !
...beautiful place, isn´t it?
I was really moved by its atmosphere, it was like Oscar Wilde passed away just yesterday
so beautiful and so sad
Au revoir, Paris !
I hope we´ll see each other again ♥
oh, the oriental restaurant which closed before you could have lunch in..it's the same i've been a month ago, while i was in Paris!
VymazatNooo now I´m even more angry that we didn´t go there sooner =D it looks really good from your photos...but yeah, when we were there it was awfuly hot as well and if there is no air-conditioning...>_<
yeah,maybe it's not the perfect restaurant for a summer lunch!
VymazatPs: while i was opening your comment on my blog i accidentally deleted it, i'm so sorry!
Anyway, please,try to listen to some of Kaya's songs
Ah =) that´s OK =D I will for sure ! I know him for quite some time, since a few years ago I was a really big Versailles fan and was interested in all interprets with this beautiful look...but I don´t know why, I never heard any song from him o_o
VymazatEh, budu se opakovat, ale zase super článek! :) Hrozně mě dostala ta steamová babka, a pak taky fotka jak Honza celej v černym sedí u těch cute medvídků a růžových záclonek... :D:D ty sošky dětiček jsou příšerný o_O makronky byly tuze dobrý! jojo! :) Jinak na všech fotkách ti to moc sluší, hlavně na takový tý večerní fotce :)))
OdpovědětVymazatjee děkuju =) !
VymazatTa socha byla fakt hrozná =D hlavně ten "tvor" na tý třetí...to vypadá jak nějakej alien mutantní >_<
Jo Honza tam byl nejvíc k tématu v Princess Crépe =D škoda, že jsem taky nebyla celá černá, to bysme měli krásné dark and evil photo =D
Tyjo, tolik ti závidím! Ta orientální restaurace vypadá suprově, škoda že nebyla otevřená, ráda bych viděla víc fotek.
OdpovědětVymazatTy sochy jsou naprosto děsivý, vůbec se nedivím, jestli jim někdo urazil hlavu :D
A ty věci co sis koupila *___* Jen slintám. Kdybys neměla o padesát velikostí míň, možná bych se i přemohla a šla tě okrást :D
Ten pomník Oscara Wilda vypadá krásně (snad víš jak to myslím, nechci znít nějak úchylácky morbidně)
A jak už řekla Han, fotka Honzy v takovém růžovém koutečku je vtipná :D
No je to škoda, ale stejně nevím jestli by mi to tam chutnalo =D
Vymazatúchylácky morbidně, to říkáš mě =D? Moje nejoblíbenější místa na procházky jsou hřbitovy a mám zálibu si fotit náhrobní kameny který se mi líbí, hrozně dlouho si čtu všechny nápisy a prohlížim si fotky lidí který vůbec neznám a už jsou sto let mrtvý. Už odmalička se mi na hřbitovech takhle hrozně líbilo, ještě dřív než jsem zjistila že jsou nějaký gothici co se v tom vyžívaj a vždycky jsem chtěla pracovat v pohřební službě...takže kdo je tady úchyl =D ? hroby jsou prostě pěkný a ten Oscarův obzvlášť ♥
Ach, to je tak naprosto... nádherné. Úplně mě to nutí vzpomínat na své zážitky z Paříže před rokem. Je to tak magické město, když člověk jede v noci metrem mezi hromadou černochů, muslimů a chudých hráčů na tahací harmoniku... Taky mě hodně mrzelo, že jsem nestihla- nemohla navštívit BTSSB a pořádně se neopila dobrým vínem. Musím tam zase! Hrozně mě baví číst to a poznávat ty úžasný místa, po kterých jsem přesně před rokem kráčela :)
OdpovědětVymazatTo metro bylo hrozný, hlavně tam bylo neskutečný vedro =D
VymazatJsem ráda, že se moje zážitky z cest líbí ♪
The pictures are soooo pretty *O* I want to go to Paris as well. I was there so long ago it definitely has changed xD But it is still pretty expensive. Can't wait to see you wear that BTSSB skirt *_*
OdpovědětVymazatThank you ♥ ! Yes, it´s a super expensive town >_<
VymazatI can´t wait to wear it, it´s so pretty ♪
I really enjoy your posts and this was great as well, beautiful pictures and I'm glad you had a nice trip (I've never been to Paris or France, but I'm hoping to go next year). But what really irked me. You go to one of the most visited cities on Earth, you go AS TOURISTS - and you constantly complain that there are lots of tourists? Seriously? It didn't occured to you before that there might be?
OdpovědětVymazatI'm just nagging, don't mind me. :) It just seems kinda funny... and kinda irritating. But that's just me.
But anyway, it really seems like you had a great time and the pictures are wonderful. :)
ha ha =D you´re right, I knew it´s going to be overcrowded with tourists, but at the same time I hoped it won´t be that bad...
VymazatThank you =)
About the obelisk... It was actually a gift exchange (Egypt get a huge copper clock which is still in Cairo) and originally there were two of them but president Mitterrand gave one back to Egypt. So no… French didn’t steal it... :-)