...trouble reading the title =D ?
Yeah, me too - so let´s use the easier name for this feast - Lammas. Another part of the Wheel of the Year, celebration of the start of harvest and thanksgiving for all the grain and first summer fruits.
In the past people belived that it´s not good to harvest grain before this day - the 1st August. In Bavaria it looks like people forgot about it or because of the strong Christianity here - they probably never did it =D so I ended up being absolutely unsuccesfull with having a bundle of grain on my altar -_- They were all gone a week before the feast...I have no idea where to buy it and the alternative - corn, has the exact opposite problem - it isn´t full-grown, yet. So I ended up only with a doll from a straw and a fresh fruit - really simple, but I like it =)
(Next year I have to go for a grain hunt sooner)
To celebrate the harvest at least a little I made a bread and it was the best bread I ever made !
I took some photos of my altar as always, the super-yummy but not-so-super good-looking bread and my outfit of that day ♪
floral headband : DIY
pink blouse : H&M
jsk : made by me
necklace : fake antler from home-decor
bag : H&M
shoes : C&A
...to tell the truth I wanted to wear something mori, but ended up wearing this =D
I made this jsk a loooong time ago, it was one of my first creations. Then I left it at home, because I thought it´s too small for me. And I stumbled upon it the last time I was in Prague and found out it isn´t small and what´s more, it´s really beautiful *o* I love this fabric and the colour of lace !
What I don´t like that much are those "maid-café" sleeves <_< but what can I do about it - I thought it was super-cute 5 years ago...
Ah, and I almost forgot - I´m going to be quite inactive in the next days, I think. My bf´s sister and her boyfriend are going to stay here with us until Sunday. We have big plans for amazing sight-seeing trips so I need to keep fingers crossed that it won´t start raining >_<
I´ll try to take a lot of photos and then write a post about all our adventures !
Have a nice week, everyone ♪
Vážně obdivuju tvojí aktvivitu a vrstvení v těchle pekelných vedrech :D
OdpovědětVymazatNevím, po ránu vždycky není takovej pařák tak se navrstvím a pak když se v poledne vracím s taškama plnýma nákupu tak lituju =D
VymazatPerfektní, nádherné šaty!
OdpovědětVymazatMoc děkuju ♥
VymazatTen outfit je perfektní, mám neblahý pocit, že máš nějaký tajný dar na vrstvení :D
OdpovědětVymazatPodle mě to vypadá jako mori outfit a přesně takový, který se mi líbí <3
Mu ha ha *_*
VymazatJá myslím, že se to nijak zařadit ani nedá...prostě outfit s kytkama a lolitíma šatama bez spodničky =D děkuju ♪
Tento komentář byl odstraněn autorem.
OdpovědětVymazatTo JSK je absolutně nádherné!
OdpovědětVymazatJsem ráda že se líbí =) děkuju !
Vymazat(a trochu mě mrzí, že takovou dobu leželo zahrabaný se starýma věcma -_- ještě že nikdy žádný oblečení nevyhazuju...)
Hi! Your outfit is absolutely beautiful and I even like those sleeves. ;) I'm curious why do You celebrate celtic pagan feast, not the slavic one? Sorry if this question is too personal or something
OdpovědětVymazatThank you =) !
VymazatIt´s fine - I´m just really interested into celtic paganism, wicca and natural magic. I feel somehow closer to it than to slavic traditions, but...to tell the truth I´m not sure if I know any true slavic feast, it´s a shame since I come from slavic nation, but all of those old feasts and habits are in Czech Republic forgotten so I never really read anything about it - maybe I should... =)