took a while to finish this film + I had to wait two weeks until I went to Prague after it was developed.
And now it´s here - a new set of my "amazing" lomography !
I´m always so excited how will the photos look and if there will be any =D this time it was super risky, because I used a film which my bf´s dad gave me and which he had in a drawer for many, many years...
The result is - I have 30 photos out of 36 and they look good yay !
Here are 13 of them I found pretty =)
And because I put the film in my camera a quite a long time starts with a snow, then there is Easter and finaly a spring ♪
This time I really can´t decide which one is my favourite - I like too many of them !
But...probably...the last one, and the one before it...and the Prague panorama...aah I like all of them =D
What about you? Which one do you like the most?
Mně se taky líbí všechny. Všechny mají skvělou atmosféru, prostě to dýchá.
OdpovědětVymazatDěkuju =) !
VymazatTy fotky jsou úžasný, líbí se mi ten zvláštní efekt na nich :) Nemůžu se rozhodnout které se mi nejvíc líbí ale asi to bude ta předposlední, ta vypadá fakt kouzelně ^^
OdpovědětVymazatTa zarostlá budova z podlhledu je super :)
OdpovědětVymazatDěkuju =) to je u mě doma v Praze ♪