After visiting the historical village on our first WGT in Leipzig last year, we just fell in love with the atmosphere and decided to go to as many historical events as possible *_*
There are none in the winter time, but in summer - here in Bavaria - almost every weekend is one somewhere. (I use this very helpful website)
So far we were on two festivals. One was more a market than a festival and the second was quite big with amazing finale.
Let´s start with the historical market in Taufkirchen.
There was a lot of stalls with interresting things, but we bought only a food on that day =D
Because it was delicious ! Also I had two mead-beers and I bough a sack of roasted nuts for the evening (so I have something sweet to eat while watching Lotr =3)
It was a really nice weather, but it wasn´t hot so I could wear my duvetyn dress and feel comfortable.
My boyfriend finally wore his new outfit, with turkish pants I made for him ♪
It was a very nice day =)
the Taufkirchen chateau is not from middle-age, but it was beautiful
this guy with super expensive fruit wines is everywhere, but I really like how his stall looks
The second event we attended was last weekend in Regensburg.
It was called Hexentanz & Feenzauber (dance of witches and magic of fairies) and the main attraction was the biggest bonfire in the whole Bavaria at the midnight.
It wasn´t on a castle as well as the previous one, but in a really big old farm and was big !
There was so many stalls all over the place, a beautiful garden, an old haunted chateau overgrown by nature (that was really creepy, I didn´t even took a photo of it because I was afrait of having a ghost in it >_<), jugglers, random musicians, a lot of visitors and of course a joust. We also had a really yummy hemp snack, saw very amusing performance of a band with bagpipes and drums and I drank a lot of mead...because it was an elderberry mead !!! I´ve never tasted such a delicious mead like that one and they didn´t sell it in bottles T____T (if you didn´t know yet, I love everything made of elderberry ♥)
There was also a fireshow, but I think I already saw better ones.
But what was the best thing of the day ? The bonfire, of course !
I was amazed how all people participated in the great finale. There was a stall where visitors could buy their own torches and so when everyone was marching through the field to the unlit bonfire it looked like a long fire from "The 13th Warior" movie =D
I didn´t expected such an atmosphere, but it was amazing - the bonfire was huuuuge !
Appart from another sack of roasted nuts I bought there a tiny bottle of myrrh. The lady in the stall was also selling those beautiful bird wings used as a fan when litting up a briquette in censer *o*
(but I don´t need it and it was super expensive -_-)
I wore more summer outfit on that day - my new dress from Anki which I bought in Leipzig, together with a lot of feathers and other accessories. It was more fantasy than historical, but I really like it ♪
How about you?
Do you like historical events?
I wish to go to something like historical music festival - I really like the bands playing live and I want to dance =D ♪
I used to go to a lot of historical markets before I discovered Lolita.
OdpovědětVymazatBut somehow I lost my interest in the past years. But I still understand the fascination and I'd probably visit the one in Nuremberg because it is so close. ^^
By the way I can also recommend this site for the upcoming events:
For me this is something absolutely amazing, because in Czech R. those festivals almost never look like those in one dress up, the stalls are not decorated... =(
VymazatBut I understand it gets boring after a time, because it´s always same =D
Thank you ! I´ll take a look on the website *_*
Tento komentář byl odstraněn autorem.
OdpovědětVymazatOooot ten druhý outfit *_* úžasný!! moc ti to sluší :) joo o tom historickym festivalu jsem nedávno taky přemýšlela - kéž by třeba taková úžasná Loreena měla nějaký vystoupení tady v ČR :) to by se to trsalo :)
OdpovědětVymazatDěkuju !
Vymazataaa kdyby Loreena měla vystoupení v ČR *o* to je můj sen jí někdy vidět !
It looks very interesting! I like the outfits you wore too.
OdpovědětVymazatBlue Roses
Thank you =) !
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