After two months my little summary is here, again ♪
I made a few skirts for my shop, some were lolita some weren´t.
Those two months were mainly about restocking skirts which girls like the most and were asking me about if I´m going to make more of them.
So I ended up making two of Dark Green Gothic Lolita Skirts...
... and four Red Wine Lolita Skirts
That makes 6 skirts already =D
(I plan to make even more of these two as soon as I have fabric and enough lace)
Now let´s start with some new things.
Dark Classic Lolita Skirt
This is absolutely gorgeous fabric ! I already made one skirt from it a year ago and I was so happy to find it in the shop again......unfortunatelly it was just one roll -_-
The skirt was sold in a few minutes and I can´t make more of them T_T
(I don´t know why they don´t have it on an online shop...I would buy 10 m of it)
Something cute ! I really like this fabric, it somehow reminds me of AP prints =)
I also made two little bows on hair clips to match it.
It´s still available in the shop ♪
I just love lilac/white colour combination ♥
+ I used this super cute lace on belt for the first time
This skirt is available as well =)
Mint Fairy Tulle Skirt
Something for fairies ♪
I´m seriously thinking about making one for myself, too. It´s so comfortable and when the wind blows it´s flying all around you - it made me want to dance barefoot in the grass on a meadow nearby while photoshooting.
(...which I did and ended up with a tick on my thigh <_<)
Restock soon !
Dark classic lolita skirt with a lot of roses on the print =)
Available in the shop ♪
Appart from all those skirts I also finished a mint/white crochet cardigan, which is not perfect but it will be very good for cult party kei. Then a crochet scarf for my mori/natural outfits with tassels decorated with little pearl-like beads. And an otome-kei dress together with white crochet collar - I don´t have to tell you how much I´m looking forward to wear my very first otome-kei outfit and how much I´m pissed off that it´s rainy everytime I have an occasion to do so =/
Those will have their own posts soon (I hope)
Right now I´m working on green crochet cardigan on which I plan to put my Mockingjay pin and feel so Katniss =D I´m working on a new skirt for Rabbit Heart, reading (finaly) The Dance with Dragons and also I finished some new pictures *____*
random bunny gif for you ♥
I think I'm falling in love with your garments more and more!
OdpovědětVymazatThat Tulle skirt tickles my fancy. I wonder if you'll make tulle skirts like that in black as well. :3
Thank you ! I´m so happy you like them =)
VymazatI was thinking about it, but I would have to use different type of tulle since this one they have only in off-white =/ The softer tulle in different colours have a tendency to twirl after a time or after washing =( So I´m really unsure about other colours...
Wonderfull! I really like the green skirt alot. Suits you well ♥
OdpovědětVymazatThank you ♥ !
VymazatÁch všechno je tak moc úžasný ♥♥♥ Mě osobně se nejvíc líbí ta tmavě zelená sukně - což je zvláštní protože zelená barva na oblečení se mi nikdy nelíbila :D ale tahle je prostě dokonalá...a moc se těším na háčkování :) :)
OdpovědětVymazatDěkuju =) ! Tahle zelená látka je nějaká magická, všem se hrozně moc líbí a já už začínám hodně uvažovat o tom že koupím celou roli...
VymazatHáčkování snad už brzy, šátek už mám vyfocenej, ale ještě bych k tomu ráda dodala nějaký outfit a na ten zatím nebyl čas aaaaa nestíháám >_<
Tá mint je absolútne krásna koľko stojí prosím ťa?
OdpovědětVymazatDěkuji =) je za 36euro + free shipping, pokud bys jí chtěla doporučuji sledovat Rabbit Heart FB, brzy budu šít další ♪
VymazatZarobím si na ňu a potom ti napíšem :)
VymazatBudeš někdy šít nějakou podobnout té mintové, ale třeba v černé? ^.^ Klidně i třeba s tmavě modrým podkladem:D Tu bych si koupila hned! :))
OdpovědětVymazatAbych pravdu řekla tak nevím, protože ten tyl který používám na tyhle dlouhý tylovitosti je trochu jiný než ten co jsem použivala na krátký...a bohužel jde sehnat jenom týhle off-white...a ten jemný, co mají ve všech barvách se po čase začne tak jako kroutit a já nevim jak by to dopadlo na tý dlouhý sukni =/ ...jinak bych dělala všechny možný barvy hrozně ráda ! Budu to muset otestovat a nějakou si ušít pro sebe, nosit jí a pozorovat =D