Two weeks ago, when it looked like the heavy rain won´t ever stop and it was getting quite clear that the floods are cooming - we decided to go to Munich, finally. We weren´t there since we live only a 100km away <_<
Because of the weather we decided to visit at least one of the museums in the huge museum district.
Well in the end we weren´t able to finish even one gallery building.
It´s sooo huge!
We went to Alte Pinakothek where the old german art and paintings from great masters are. We started with the super old mostly Christian-themed german paintings....and it was hilarious =D
I don´t like taking photos in galleries, so I don´t have anything to show you - but those little Jesuses looking like mutants or aliens and the devil with a face in his ass to look more evil...ha ha =D We almost died how we tried to cover our laughter...all the other people were so serious, I don´t understand it !
Now you probably think I´m an art-barbarian, but I´m not, I swear >_< I love art
The upper part of the gallery was much better - I saw paintings from Fragonard, Rubens and other amazing artists *____* absolutely beautiful experience, I need to come back again !
But unfortunatelly they were closing at 18:00, I think - so we couldn´t see all of the paintings. And I didn´t buy any art-merchandise (=D) which is one of my favourite activities in art galleries T___T
We also went to a café in the Alte Pinakothek which was beautiful and they had a lot of interesting beverages and very yummy-looking cakes. I bought just a bio maté tea and those super cute bonbons with rhubarb flavour. Isn´t the packing absolutely gorgeus?
(I need to collect more of them)
And as I always do when it comes to visiting art galleries, I dressed up in lolita.
Probably because of the weather I was in a mood for something darker after quite a long time.
So I wore my handmade dark-blue skirt which betrayed me in the end. When we went home, the rain was so strong that our umbrella was simply not enough, so we ended up completely soaked and the blue colour stained my petticoat on the back -_-
On our way back the rain got even stronger, everyone on the highway drived super cautious and slow so the way back took ages. Also we could see how fields looked more like lakes and the highway itself started to look more like a stream than a road =/ I hate this ! I was in city center when the great floods in Prague in 2002 (I think) were and had to evacuate and couldn´t go back for 2 weeks, we had a great luck that water got only in our cellar, but still - I hate floods and rain, it ruins everything !
So here is a few photos of my outfit from this rainy day =)
headband : Porcelain Doll
wig : Lockshop
cutsew : from CC
cardigan : Jennyfer
skirt : made by me
wristcuffs : Emerald-Dream
Hope you´re all fine and that the sun is shining as much as it shines here in Bavaria right now ♪
Joj, až budu v Mnichově, budu na to místo pamatovat. Zní to jako velmi kulturně přínosná exhibice!
OdpovědětVymazatTenhle model se mi strašně líbí, je to takový dešťový - možná to dělá ta modrá barva - a elegantní. Sluší ti to vždycky (aspoň z toho, co sem postuješ), ale tohle speciálně mě zaujalo :)
Určitě doporučuji, ale zaber si na to tak den..dva, tři =D
VymazatMoc děkuju ♥ jsem ráda, že se líbí ♪