A few weeks, maybe even a month ago I suddenly felt lonely. With everyone around preparing their costumes for the biggest anime con in Czech Republic I was in a mood to look for some anime/japanese/lolita events in Bavaria...and I ended up on Animexx - probably the biggest (?) German forum about this topic and I found a list of upcomming events. I found some conventions, but I don´t know what to do there since I don´t watch anime anymore and me and my bf both dislike being surrounded by teenage otaku cosplayers =D But what cought my eye was a Japanese Spring Festival in near-by town Augsburg´s botanical garden. It looked pretty cool with food, performances and FOOD ! ...did I mentioned there was a japanese food in the program? =D
We were really excited about it, since we both love going to Aki-matsuri (Autumn Festival) which is once a year in Prague. There is always great atmosphere, japanese people of all ages and a LOT of japanese food.
According to a program the festival in Augsburg looked very similar.
And it really was !
Unfortunatelly it was a rainy day, so the festival was a little bit spoilt - everyone was soaked after walking around in the rain, all the cute cosplays, ladies in kimonos and performers of martial arts =/
But despite the ugly weather and cold there, a lot of people stayed and waited for the rain to stop. Then the main program started, there were Taiko drummers, girls could try on a real japanese yukata or kimono, a writing workshop, an exhibition of statues and bonsai trees and what was the best - a snack-bar where a (quite handsome) japanese cook made a soba noodles and a lot of other stuff.
We bought soba, japanese beer for my bf and I had a glass of saké from a barrel (like in anime *o*).
In the end we went to a japanese garden, which was absolutely beautiful and where the tea ceremony meant to be, but because of the rain it was in the conference room. I wish to go there again, when the weather is sunny, sit on the wooden floor, watch the little waterfall and imagine I´m in Japan =)
I wore a sweet lolita after a long time. Which was quite unfortunate choice because of the weather (in a last few minutes of the event I slipped and almost fell on the dirty ground, had my parasol from Baby covered in mud and also my skirt got a little dirty >_<).
I need to buy some white jacket to keep me warm in sweet lolita...I had to wear two cardigans =D
And the most important thing about the whole outfit are my new tights yay !
Finally I have some cult-party-kei tights ♪
End of the talk, here are some photos I took during the day.
I also found an official gallery of the event here
There are some photos of us, too =D ha ha
I also found an official gallery of the event here
There are some photos of us, too =D ha ha
(a second before I fell down =D)
And my loot ♪
I was hoping to meet some local lolitas on the event, but there wasn´t any =(
oh and what I wore
blouse - Anna House
cardigan - H&M
skirt - Bodyline
tights - RTBU LegArt
shoes - Bodyline
parasol - BTSSB
bag - BTSSB
Have a nice day and stay strong everyone who is in floods zone ♥
Fotky jsou úžasné. Ta akce vypadá vážně skvěle. Mám tyhle festivaly moc ráda. Zahrada je prostě nádherná a to deštivé počasí vykouzlilo opravdu krásnou atmosféru. Pátá fotka je dokonalá. Moc ti to sluší. *___* Len
OdpovědětVymazatMoc děkuju =) Jsem ráda, že se fotky líbí - i když kvůli mrakům nejsou nejlepší...ta zahrada je překrásná, určitě se tam chci někdy vrátit v lepším počasí, navíc je hned vedle ještě ZOO takže *o* zvířátka! =D
VymazatSkutočne nádherné fotky, tá japonská záhrada vyzerá úplne úžasne! :)
OdpovědětVymazatDěkuju ♪ už jsem byla v pár japonských zahradách, ale tahle byla zatím nejlepší, to je pravda ♥
VymazatYou looked very lovely! <3
OdpovědětVymazatThose tights are definitely awesome. *_*
As far as I know there are only two Lolitas in Augsburg and both are very busy with their studies and/or job.
Thank you ♥
VymazatAh, so now it makes sense ! Thank you for an explanation =)
You look so happy in all of the pictures <3 What a lovely event, there was something similar in Finland too, many lolitas attended, but sadly I couldn't :/
OdpovědětVymazatThank you ♥
VymazatTa zahrada *_*
OdpovědětVymazatByla perfektní - rozhodně doporučuji na výlet =) !
VymazatTa akce musela být úžasná :) A ta zahrada je opravdu krásná :)
OdpovědětVymazatMimochodem, sweet ti sluší, ikdyž je to trochu nezvyk :3
Jen škoda toho deště - snad ještě udělají oslavy podzimu/léta/čehokoli =D
VymazatDěkuju =) no pořád se k tomu neumím úplně tak nějak namalovat, to obočí mi ve sweet hrozně překáží, ale bez něj je to zas moc creepy =/
Amazing look, jak už bylo řečena, změna pořádná :D Obočí se k tomu sice moc nehodí, ale když to tak vezmu, bez něj by to nebylo ono :D
OdpovědětVymazatMimochodem miluju ten deštník!