Although I have some older outfits to post, I feel a need to make this one a priority.
I think I found a new religion.
It´s about fashion, satan, witchcraft, cats, coffee and it´s called Black Craft Cult
When I first saw their t-shirts I was 100% sure I´m going to order one.
I showed this shop to my bf and he fell in love instantly, so in a few days we were placing an order...but it was quite a struggle, because we both wanted to buy the whole shop and so many things were out of stock >_<
In the end we decided to give it a try with just a two t-shirts - the Lucipurr one for me and this one for Honza. After a few weeks of endless waiting (it was a normal delivery time, but for me endless =D) they were finaly in the mail and they´re absolutely amazing ! We both ordered men´s S, they fit perfectly and have a high quality print.
So now it´s not only BLACK Milk where I want to buy all, but also a BLACK Craft.
Have a shop with "black" in it´s name and you can be almost sure I´m going to love it =D
(I don´t know why I don´t have BLACK rabbit heart shop)
spiked headband - DIY
long black thing - second-hand store
t-shirt - BlackCraft
pants - my old goth shorts
creepers - Demonia
I have so many ideas for outfits with this t-shirt !
So I hope you like it, because this is not the last time you see it here =D
to tričko je nejlepší a musím ho mít do své sbírky věcí s kočkama!
OdpovědětVymazatMaj i spoustu jiných kočkofilních potisků, nicméně tohle je základ =D
VymazatTo je tak krásný, nemám slov ♥♥♥
OdpovědětVymazatMoc děkuju ♥ =)
VymazatTak tohle je prostě dokonalost *_____-*
OdpovědětVymazatDěkuju =) !
VymazatJe to všechno naprosto úžasné, ale odkaz jsi sem dávat nemusela, teď abych začala pronajímat dělohu :D. Ačkoli, ono to vlastně zas tak drahé není..:D.
OdpovědětVymazatha ha =D no já za Lucipurra taky utratila svoje poslední peníze z CC za který jsem si chtěla koupit lolita věci =D
VymazatI love that shop, I also had trouble with choosing, since they have lots of things I like. I like the shirt you bought, awesome outfit!
OdpovědětVymazatYes, it´s so hard to choose especially when they´re uploading new (amazing) things so often >_<
VymazatThank you =)
omg, ta stránka je úžasná! <3 a ty jsi úžasná! super ohoz!:)
OdpovědětVymazat^_^ ♪ Děkuju !
Vymazatpunk princess!
OdpovědětVymazatHa =D Thank you !
VymazatTo tričko je dokonalý, musim ho mít :D nebo aspoň jiný kočkofilní, dlouho jsem svou sbírku kočičích věcí nerozšířila :) (tedy až na dárek od kámoše, který mi z USA přivezl hello kitty formičky na sushi :D). Výslednej outfit samozřejmě opět dokonalej! ;)
OdpovědětVymazatKlidně kupuj, uděláme armádu uctívačů Lucipurra =D !
VymazatMoc děkuju ♪
I've been wanting to get my paws on Black Craft Cult shirts for a while, but that "out of stock" phrase is always on the items I want the most :(
OdpovědětVymazatI absolutely love this look on you. You make an adorable BLACK evil witch!
I know that feeling =/ but they restocked a lot of things a while ago, that´s why we made another order right after we got the first one in a mail =D
VymazatThank you ♥