Today I have just a little post for you about how I tried to look cute...
Recently I feel like I´m starting to be obsessed with japanese street style, again. I used to admire it a lot, I tried some outfits but didn´t have good clothes, then I was just admiring it again, found out I will never be so cute and forgot about it. So I stayed "only" a lolita. And with this trend of western street style clothing all over the internet I got really confused about what I want to wear, because there was so many beautiful clothes and everyone looked so good in it...and they were so cheap! But after I bought a few of them I felt so normal and casual and boring...
And one day I found some super cute blogs of girls wearing japanese street style in absolutely amazing "western" way. I didn´t know anyone non-japanese can look so beautiful in it *_*
So I started to download those Kera magazines I missed the past year or two, looked for more blogs and more inspiration. I fell in love with japanese street style again without feeling guilty about wearing pastel colours one day, then natural mori things on the second day and goth outfit on the third day =D
(You know, I occupied my mind with those funny things instead of something important <_<)
So I tried to make an outfit, too.
But I don´t know if it´s good =D I don´t know if I look good in cute things, and my biggest fear is that I´m too old for it >_< !!! please don´t tell me it´s true...
Ah, I mustn´t forget about a something that happend to me on the day when I was dressed like that.
We went to buy some things to town with my bf and I wanted to take a look in C&A on cat ears they had there. And on my way out of the store - the german store, full of german people in the middle of german town - an ugly lady with her ugly daughter (both of them dressed really ugly,too) told me straight into my face in CZECH "Oh my god, you look like an idiot !" And she thought I didn´t understand her, of I stopped...and looked at her, by bf laughing...she looked uncertainly back and told me in a very rude way "What´s up?!" (in czech as well)...and I told her "I understood what you told to me...I´m czech, too" and she told me, angry like hell and being very rude "That´s good, because it was TRUE !!!", I hope you understand me a little more why I hate czech people so much? They´re such a band of rude fucktards telling bad things about everyone who they think don´t understand them...I was so angry, but I managed to laught in her face together with my bf and just walk away, cursing her in my mind and hoping she´s going to break her leg or something like that =D
wig : Lockshop
spiked headband : DIY
necklace : Romwe
pants : DIY
tights : from WGT
shoes : New Yorker
And at the end of the post some links to my favourite blogs which inspires me a lot these days ♪
Try to put on cuter face expression, you seem like you wanna kill someone and it ended up in not cute enough but not creepy enough way, I think. But the look is good! I'm missing something in it though, at least from what I can say as a person who knows very little about Japanese fashion. Maybe third red thing? I know, the hair, but... they seem too little red to me. I don't know, there's just something... not quite enough, if you know what I mean.
OdpovědětVymazatAnd Czech people... no comment. But I'm one of them and that's not changing, I'm just trying not to be rude to others, thank them, say excuse me, when I wanna walk through them or even walk on the fucking right side of the stairs - when I see the expressions of people, who are trying to get down the stairs to get on the subway and they just can't, cause of the amount of people climbing it up... and yet they do it too, when they're in the same situation.
I said no comment, right? :)
Yes ! That´s exactly what I thought when I saw those photos in my PC...I have absolutely not-kawaii expression =D I think I´m going to practise cute faces in front of my mirror every morning =D
Vymazat...and yeah, I´m in dire need of red accessories >_<
Thank you !
Takže zaprvé: tohle je naprosto báječnej outfit, moc ti to sluší... takže jen tak dál a víc podobných věcí!!! ♥♥♥
Odpovědě druhé: o tom pocitu že jsem na "tyhle" věci moc stará mi mluvíš z duše - taky si to často říkám, ale pak si většinou uvědomím "Tak podívej se na Adoru... tý je 40, má tři děti a vypadá pořád skvěle..." a pak v klidu nosím to co nosím.
a za třetí - ani vlastně nevím co říct na tu ženskou... takový lidi fakt kopnout. Neuvěřitelný. Útěchou může být jenom to, že v dalším životě se narodí jako žížala, bradavčí ropucha nebo něco podobně odpornýho :D
ha ha =D no to doufám, že bude minimálně ropucha ! (už takhle jí byla dost podobná)
VymazatTo je dobrej nápad myslet při těhle pochybnostech o věku na Adoru ! Děkuju, musim si to pamatovat =)
Vypadáš naprosto dokonale, zbožňuju ty bobánky co máš na hlavě, vypadá to ultra cute *__* A ten outfit je super.
OdpovědětVymazatA tu ženskou ... no, asi bych ji kopla do xichtu. Tohle je taková nehoráznost, prostě ještě ta zbabělost, že to vykládá v češtině, když si myslí, že jí nerozumíš. Bych jí asi vzala kamenem po hlavě.
Moc děkuju ♥
VymazatJá tohle chování úplně nenávidim a takový ty výlety z prdelí Česka do Německa na nákupy jsou v tomhle úplný experti...nebo spíš výlety kamkoliv kde jim nikdo nerozumí =D
Hmmm seems like there a few of those judging people where I live. I guess it's due to being ignorant, rude and envious. They hate people that dare to be true to what they love because they are to scared to live their own life. They can be pretty rude, specially the kids (from 8 to 14) an older ladies.
OdpovědětVymazatSuch ineptitude. My bf gets angry and replies to them. But when I'm alone, I don't even notice since I'm so used to ignoring people around :P
I'm sure is not just a Czech thing.
And this outfit is totally adorable! I love seeing your DIY pants, they are so cool. Old to be cute? Hmm never heard of that... specially since I'm turning to 25 in two days. XD
Thank you for such a kind words ! I´m going to be 25 soon, too...and I´m starting to have some "I´m-getting-old" crisis =D
Vymazatyeah, not only czech people do this, but czech people have to be very high on some chart of the rudest haters of the world =D They´re experts in this gossiping in countries where they think no one uderstands them...I already saw this when I was in Italy, it´s such a shame, I don´t know why there is so little politeness in this nation, all they do is judging others, but they never judge themselves =/
Vypadáš úžasně! Tyhle "vlasy" ti děsně moc slušej :3
OdpovědětVymazatA jako..k tomu incidentu..inu Čr, tady maj lidi furt blbý kecy na to jak vypadám a když pak jsem byla třeba v Itálii, tam to byl úplně opak, náhodní lidi na ulici mě zastavovali a chválili mi modrý vlasy O___O Až jsem koukala..ale tak co s tím no..:/ Chápu tě.
Moc děkuju =) !
Vymazatjo jo, tady taky lidi třeba koukaj, důchodci občas něco prohodí (to když nosím podvazky, to nerozdejchávaj) ale spíš dělají vtípky, ale nikdy nejsou takhle odporně zlý...protože proč? Já to nechápu kde se bere v českejch zaprdlech babách tahle potřeba být na všechny rovnou hnusný jak prdel =D
Ty jsi supercute a ta paní je superdumb.
OdpovědětVymazatha ha =D Děkuju !
VymazatMoc ti to sluší, tenhle outfit se mi hrozně líbi :). Co se týče tý důry, na ježibaby holt natrefíš všude, to je nadnárodní problém :D.
OdpovědětVymazatDěkuju =) !
VymazatČeský protivný ježibaby jsou mezinárodní problém - s tím souhlasím =D mělo by se s tím něco dělat, třeba zákaz vycestování do zahraničí !
VIdíš, a mě se teď stala úplně opačná příhoda. Stála jsme na začátku tramvaje a v dalším voze stála skupinka děvčat. Jedna zřejmě nějaká punkmetalistka, druhá ve steampunkovém korzetu s klboučkem a tak. Tak jsem je s toho jiného vagonu pozorovala, trošku hodnotila, steampunkovou víc obdivovala protože vypadala vážně docela hezky. No a z ničeho nic se selčny otočí a začnou na mě ukazovat prostředníčky, jak mi vylížou a podobně. Naprosto mi to o nich zkazio mínění. Jak jsem si říkala že ppokud vystoupíme podobně, pochválím jim outfity, takhle jsem byla ráda že vystoupily dřív protože bych jim řekla celkem nehezké věci. Je fakt že jim bylo nejsíš 15-18, každopádně mě to hodně znechutilo...
OdpovědětVymazatOf course you're not old! Well, I am 22 and sometimes feel old to wear a tutu skirt, for example. And people often think I am about 17 years old.
OdpovědětVymazatHere, in my country - Bulgaria, everything comes with a delay, especially fashion. Plus, people are so narrow-minded. The front part of my hair is green and everyday people stare at me (unnatural hair colours still aren't very popular here). Some people smile, other give me "Are you insane?" kind of look...
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