středa 6. února 2013


This year I decided to celebrate Imbolc for the first time.
It´s a feast to celebrate goddess Brighid and to welcome Goddess from her rest after she gave birth to God on Yule.
I was preparing altar and other decorations according to my book about Wicca and the things I read on internet. I bought a beautiful orange candle, some smaller ones in yellow, orange and white. Then I tried my best to make a Brighid´s cross and a doll which I put in my kitchen for good luck. As for some yummy things - I baked this delicious sweet bread which is originally called Berlin Royal Cake and I´m going to write a recipe later, because you have to taste it, too ! =D
And my Orange liquer, which I cooked a month ago was just finished so we celebrated with it - it´s so good and sweet and it smell so nice that I´m going to write recipe for this one as well <3

It was a really nice day, we turned on all lights in our flat after sunset, burn candles and incense, had a bath in Lush "twilight" bath-thing and listening to Loreena McKennitt ♪
I just fell in love in those feasts of The Wheel of the Year, I can´t wait to Ostara !

Here are some photos I took through the day

2 komentáře:

  1. ,,Tu věc od lush" stmívání jsem testovala taky.Zrovna tento pátek. :D Božská věc. Jen přítel po tom byl celkem červený protože má hodně citlivou kůži. Já i když exematik s tím paradoxně problém nemám. Jemu spíš vyhovují lushácké pěny.

    1. Já jsem jí dostala k Vánocům, ale teda celou jsem jí do vany nedávala, já ty jejich koule vždycky krájim =) trochu jsem se bála, aby v naší pomenší vaně z toho nebylo bahínko =D
      Zbožňuju od Lush úplně všechno, po Vánocích jsem si koupila pro sebe ten jejich Vánoční dárek, protože byli za půlku a mám teď ohromný zásoby všeho =D
      já teď testuju na exémový ruce jejich "Dream Cream" a myslím, že zatím dost super, ještě mi za tuhle zimu ani jednou nepopraskali klouby na rukou do krve, což je epic win !
