Hi, my dear readers ♥
Today I want to talk about 4 things
○ winter outfit
○ Black Milk toasties
○ make-up
○ Star Wars: Rogue One
Let's start with
○ winter outfit
I would call this my "winter uniform" because I was dressed more or less like this everyday for all these long cold days during December/January. By more or less I mean that I changed the number of layers or the thickness of sweaters + I always had a coat and huge scarf, but that wasn't interresting for photos ...
hoodie - Takko • leggins - Black Milk
As you probably noticed I bought a new pair of leggins with galaxy print, because
○ Black Milk toasties ♥
What's so special about these toasties? They're WARM ! There is a fluffy warm layer inside, which makes them the best winter pants I ever had ! Comfortable, pretty, great for bike, etc. ...all those leggins benefits, but now also wearable in winter time :D love it !
I plan to buy one more pair , but I'll have to wait for summer, because BlackMilk is from Australia and the winter collection comes out in the middle of European summer...
Look I'm actually wearing a real lipstick !
For the first time in my life I did a BIG ORDER of make-up, because one of my New Year's resolutions is to take better care of myself, use better cosmetics and feel/look pretty :D ha ha
Thanks to brand of eco-friendly bamboo pads I found out about Pink Panda which is an e-shop with cruelty free cosmetics AND they have crazy-coloured lipsticks - something I wanted for ages *o*
Of course my will wasn't strong enough to buy only pads and lipstick, so I ended up with box full of stuff... but I don't regret it - everything is great and I can really feel the difference between cheap drugstore cosmetics and actual brands
I've been using such a cosmetic crap all my life
So far my favourite are both lipsticks from Milani ♥ I'll return for more to this brand for sure ♪
Also the "dazzle liner" in upper right corner is GOLD EYELINER and the shade is called Klimt and it's abstolutely amazing *o* (I wear it on the outfit photos)
And now the movie part of this post
○Star Wars: Rogue One
I had no idea what to expect from this movie, except that I already knew what's going to happen :D Trailers looked great and every oportunity to step back into galaxy far away is good for me, so I couldn't wait to see it !
ooooooooooh and I liked it a lot ♥
Much better and more mature that the Force Awakens, good action, great effects and cute characters ♪
Seriously, the group of main characters was so good, that I'm REALLY SAD that it was just for one movie T_T
Cassian Andor is definitelly my new Star Wars crush ≧◉◡◉≦ ♥that fur jacket !
Cassian Andor is definitelly my new Star Wars crush ≧◉◡◉≦ ♥
...for those who don't want to think about the end of the movie (like me) I highly recommend hvitravn's art on instagram or on tumblr - she has some optimistic stuff there and the cutest pictures of Bodhi :3
Have a beautiful day, everyone ♥
Ty legíny jsou boží. Taky by se mi hodily nějaké zateplené. Jinak pokud bys chtěla nějakou fakt super cruelty-free kosmetiku, tak doporučuju značku NYX. Mají šílené barvy rtěnek, které navíc vydrží a nehnou se narozdíl od některých jiných. Asi deset různě barevných linek a barevných řasenek a prostě všeho. Já se vždycky musím držet když jdu v Praze kolem jejich obchodu, abych tam nevlezla, protože bych tam občas klidně nechala duši.^^
OdpovědětVymazatJsou boží, toasties určitě doporučuju a černý mají dokonce i s kapsičkou a patou, aby nelezly z bot *o*
VymazatO NYXu vím, ale viděla jsem pár článků a co mi i říkala kamarádka která se o cruelty-free kosmetiku dost zajímá, tak je to s tou jejich cruelty-free takový nějaký nejistý =D za to Milani by mělo být úplně OK... jeden nikdy neví :D A vůbec jsem netušila, že má NYX i prodejny o_o to okouknu až budu v Praze !
awesome! <3
OdpovědětVymazatSleduji tě už nějaký ten pátek, moc se mi líbí tvůj styl a všechno co podnikáš a co děláš...
OdpovědětVymazatAž natolik, že když jsem tě viděla na ulici, tak jsem tě nepoznala, jaká já jsem šikovná osoba =D
Zvládla jsem akorát blbě čumět, protože jsem si nemohla vzpomenout odkud tě znám =D ach jo... so sad...
Nee to je škoda =( tak příště ! Většinou se v Praze pohybuju v okolí Jindřišský a na Žižkově :D třeba na sebe zase narazíme ♪
VymazatDobrá (a na zvířatech netestovaná) značka je Too Faced - mám od nich hlavně stíny a asi teď zainvestuju do make-upu, fakt se to vyplatí. Člověk pak ve výsledku spotřebuje té kosmetiky méně, protože krásně drží a je toho třeba málo. =)
OdpovědětVymazatONI MAJÍ KOSMETICKOU TAŠTIČKU S ČIVAVOU ♥_♥ ?!! (proč jsi mi to ukazovala T_T)