sobota 6. června 2015

One Week in Mountains (is not enough)

Hello, my dear readers ♥

I´m back from one looong and absolutely amazing week in Austrian Alps !
Ever since I was little and read children books about Heidi I wanted to go for summer holidays in mountains - walk around beautiful green meadows full with alpine flowers and looking at mountain tops still covered with snow *o*
And finally this year my dream come true !
We decided to skip our Wave Gotik Treffen tradition, partly because of the dog and partly because we were lazy =D
So instead of four days in ugly expensive hotel in Leipzig we booked (almost for the same price) a whole week in wellness apartement surrounded by mountains, bought tracking shoes, waterproof jackets and got ready for adventure !

We really are hiking n00bs so I was really surprised that we managed to do a tour almost everyday. I think I´ve never walked so many kilometers in one week =D my legs were totally dead when I got home...well, my whole body was completely exhausted because I fell in bed with fever as soon as I got home ha ha =D I guess I need to start working out more than just one yoga class a week and hula hooping

I won´t write much about every single day and hike, because it would be too long and probably boring so I will let photos speak instead =)

 our hotel - Alte & Neue Mühle

 my very first Käsespätzle *o* delicious !
 (notice my boyfriend´s ridiculously long legs made by my dear camera =D)

(I plan to knit something inspired by these blue flowers ♥)

rainy day in Innsbruck

 view from our window ♥

the power of this place was incredible
probably the most beautiful I´ve ever been to

 a lot of tiny dangerous paths...and 70m high bridge above the gorge...
Did I ever tell you that I´m affraid of heights ? aha ha ha...ha (I almost died on the bridge, but these paths were fine)

click to see fullview =)

 10 minutes after the photo above... >_<

 ...and then ! rainbow *o*

home of kobolds, fairies and the spirit of the gorge

 another high bridge...?

 Are you kidding me ?!! =D
(but it was great)

the colour of the mountain stream was incredible *o* 

 Can you spot the spirit of the gorge ? =)


...and that´s it =)
I hope you enjoyed my photos and maybe feel a bit inspired by them and will visit Austrian Alps as well in the future... ♪

I still miss high powerful mountains above me when I step out of the door and walk around the city, so I think I will come back for sure and not only once ♥ 

Have a beautiful day, everyone ♥

9 komentářů:


  2. Úžasné fotky! Ta příroda je horomující, asi jsem se do ní zamilovala :3 Snad se do Alp jednou taky podívám :)
    Jak to celé cestování zvládal Satan? :D Vím, že naše čivava toho zrovna moc neujde... hádám, že jste ho museli skoro pořád nosit. Nebo byl dostatečně aktivní i na tůru? :)

    1. Příroda je tam nádherná, určitě doporučuji navštívit ! Ale trochu na dýl, než třeba jen víkend - počasí se tam neskutečně mění a může se stát, že bude tři dny v kuse pršet a to by pak byla škoda... =)
      Satanáš je atlet! Ušel s náma všechny tůry, jenom úplně ten poslední den ho kousnul do tlapky mravenec tak jsem ho musela chvíli nést a pak samozřejmě v tý rokli - tam všichni nosili psíky na zádech protože ty lávky jsou průhledný a oni se toho hrozně báli =D
      Já jsem s ním pořád venku, takže je na dlouhou chůzi zvyklej - koupila jsem si na něj všemožný tašky, ale nakonec ho skoro nikdy nenosím, všechno uťapká sám =)

  3. Jéé to je jedním slovem NÁDHERA! Úžasný fotky, nádherná příroda, nojo, závidííím! :)

  4. My family and I were in Bayern, Berchtesgaden, last autumn. Sadly we didn't hike much (okay, just because my brothers and I were lazy XD), but we visited a "klamm", too, and it was soooo amazing there. Really magical. And I really want to go hiking properly in the future.
    I know you are not a beauty blogger but might I make a suggestion? I'd looove to see how you do your make-up, what products you use, and all this girly stuff.. :D

    1. It´s a really amazing place for hikes - there is so much to see ! We were there for a week, did a tour every day and still haven´t seen everything we wanted =D
      ha ha OK ! You´re not the first one asking for my make-up tips - so I think I will do a post about it ... but don´t be dissapointed, it´s really simple, I´m not make-up expert =D

  5. Wow, such beautiful pictures!
    I live in Austria but somehow never make it to Tyrol or into the beautiful countryside - this really makes me want to go exploring during the holidays ;)

    1. I know that =D I was living in Czech Republic my whole life but still haven´t seen some really beautiful places......and now I live too far away to visit them >_< so do it, when you still have the chance =) !

  6. Úžasné fotky! :) Alpská příroda je opravdu překrásná :) doma v Krkonoších máme sice taky hromady úchvatných míst, ale jak je tam člověk skoro celý život, asi si jich pořádně neváží. Rozhodně doporučuji navštívit i Tatry. Loni jsem tam strávila týden na turistické dovolené a i když to bylo setsakramentsky náročné, vyplatilo se. Říkám si, že až procestuji Asii, tak se vrátím zpět ke krásám naší malebné Evropy :))
