Hello, my dear readers ♥
In the past few months I became quite active on Etsy and VotočVohoz (which is place to sell/buy used clothes - Kleiderkreisel in Germany). The reason is that I opened a shop with harnesses and garters on Etsy and in case of VotočVohoz I really want to get rid of A LOT of my clothes.
...and you know that...while waiting for a new order, you´re browsing throught the website and when you finally sell and earn something you spent it right away because you just found something totally amazing and you have to have it ! I´m not alone in this, I´m sure about it =D
And so I discovered this magical Etsy store Raintower owned by beautiful bluecohosh. Everything there is handmade, hand dyed and from recycled materials. And - as if it wasn´t already enough - she´s making leggings as well *o* I missed the previous pair, so I was waiting patiently for a new one to appear and when they did I bought them immediately ♥ They came a few days after, packed in a cute piece of cloth, looking exactly as on the photo and they fit perfectly !
The second thing I want to show you is a great mori thing I found on VotočVohoz. What´s funny about it is that I was browsing through some "natural" and "mori" tags, discovered this beautiful frilly top.... and found out that the shop belongs to my dear friend Han =D instant purchase, of course !
Both things came in the mail at the same time and I was so happy about them that I wore both together right away ! Han even made for me a beautiful necklace to match the top as gift to the purchase ♥
Everything matched perfectly !
...and a day after I bought a pair of white shoes as well, but I already took these photos so maybe next time =) ♪
floral hairpins - H&M
feather earring - DIY
necklace - made by Han <- check out her Etsy store !
top - second-hand
leggins - raintower
sandals - from grandma
Have a beautiful day, everyone ♥
*feels sad* mommy Ophelia refuse to read my notes :'(
OdpovědětVymazatdear anon, I have no idea =D
Vymazat:'( my dear lovely mommie Ohpelia. i send cute note to your fb page. and add friend request.. *sucks on his thumb as a baby* <3 mommy, am i a good boy?
VymazatPlease stop being creepy, OK?
VymazatX( mommie Ophelia is not nice. *cries and runs away from her* TT_TT no love but hate
VymazatYou make the best selections and create such unique outfits ♥
OdpovědětVymazatI love this look you created here!
Thank you ♥ I´m really happy that you like it !
VymazatTo je úžasný obchod :-O na to by člověk neměl koukat těsně před výplatou :)) Jinak outfit jako vždy naprosto perfektní ;)
OdpovědětVymazatJá bych si tam nejradši koupila všechny ty hábity =D ach jooo !
VymazatDěkuju =) jsem ráda, že se líbí ♪
Je to smutné, tak smutné
OdpovědětVymazatJe to smutná, smutná situace
A je to čím dál víc a víc absurdní
Je to smutné, tak smutné
Proč to nemůžeme probrat?
Oh, to se mi zdá,
To se omlouvám se zdá být nejtěžší slovo
Vůbec netuším o co jde - tenhle post má pořád víc a víc divnější komentáře =D
VymazatNe, já jsem jen opravdu smutné, že mě opustil, má drahá krásná maminka Ophelia
Haha to jsem vůbec netušila že ten obchod takhle probíhal :D Ale jsem moc ráda že se líbí!! :) :) A ty legíny jsou super, ta kombinace by mě vůbec nenapadla a přitom to vypadá suprově! :)