Hello, my dear readers ♥
Sooo finally my favourite season of the year started *__*
Historical festivals !!!
The first one we attended this year was Spectaculum in a small town Moosburg. It was unexpected, because I found about it on FB by a coincidence just a few days before it started. The weather forcast looked good and it was just a few kilometers from our town so we decided to give it a try even though it was a first year and we didn´t know how it will look.
I expected something really small, just a market on the city square with a lot of kids and nothing extraordinary. But I was so wrong o_o ! The whole market was situated in a beautiful garden right in the town centre and there were two stages for bands, a hall, A LOT of shops and a great atmosphere (+really good mead ♥).
We spent there a whole afternoon, walking around, drinking, eating and enjoying the beautiful day =) The weather was really pretty and there were so many people dressed-up !!! Almost more than visitors in casual clothes...and ORCS *_____* There were really great and scary orcs ! I think I fell in love ha ha =D
I didn´t buy a lot of things, because WGT is getting closer and I plan to buy a lot of medieval stuff there =D But still I bought two cute things - a long felted "dread" which can be used in so many ways (hair accessory, belt, necklace, bracelet, etc. - it´s just great =D) and quite a big vial full of Styrax - which is one of my favourite burning incenses, it smells a bit like vanilla and it´s good for sleep =)
Now for some photos !
Let´s start with what I was wearing first =)
I just randomly put together what I like + I was in a mood for corset, so I wore it, too ...I know it´s not very medieval, but I´m always dressed-up more fantasy, than historical >_< this time I was something like a pirate witch =D
corset - DraculaClothing
skirt - DIY (actually the very first piece of clothing I made a long time ago =D)
everything else - collected through time and travels in wilderness
this shop was like a heaven to me, but handspun yarn is soooooo expensive >_<
I was seriously thinking about buying one of these cauldrons...they were for a really good price !
(but unfortunatelly I don´t have a garden -_-)
Flammkuchen with potatoes and bacon
loot !
And now, my dear readers, I´m leaving for a holiday...
aaaaaaa *______*
Anyone going as well?
So we´re going to be in touch =D
See you next week !
Have a beautiful day, everyone ♥
Kéž by víc lidí mělo tak originální a (omlouvám se, ale musím použít anglický výraz, protože mi přijde mnohem výstižnější než česká adjektiva :D) "spectacular" styl jako ty :)
OdpovědětVymazatDěkuju moc !
VymazatAle pravda je, že je takových a ještě mnohem víc originálnějších, mraky...naštěstí =)
To musela být úžasní akce! ♥ škoda, že takové se u nás tolik nevedou, i když mám v plánu o prázdninách navštívit s přítelem několik living history bitev a jarmarků, tak jsem zvědavá :)
OdpovědětVymazatBtw. jak moc jsou korzety od dráculy kvalitní? Stahují dobře? :))
Tak to bude podle mě taky dost super =) Nejlepší co jsem byla v ČR bylo Křivoklání, ale já jsem skoro nikde na historických akcích po Česku nebyla, takže nevim =D
VymazatJá jsem s nima spokojená, podle mě stahují akorát. Co jsem měla na sobě tak nejvíc těsný mi přišli ty kožený, to jsem se vždycky trochu přidusila >_< Jinak já to nemám moc ráda stažený, takže si to neutahuju vůbec naplno - jenom aby to tvarovalo postavu a to stačí =D
Jé to je skvělý T____T :) Moc ti to slušelo, a závidím akci! :)
OdpovědětVymazatMy už máme naplánovaný jeden-dva trhy ve Finsku, jsem zvědavost....
Moc si WGT užijte!!!!!! :) :) Hrozně se těším na fotky, outfity, povídání a tak! :)
Pirate witch is pretty accurate :D I hope you don't mind me saying that the whole outfit looks a bit off (probably because of the corset)...but somehow it is also very pretty?! :D
OdpovědětVymazatI hope that next year will be my first WGT ever <3 But untill then I just hope that you post a giant bunch of pictures when you are back and have the time for it. I wish you a good time there - have fun! :)