úterý 4. března 2014

January meet-up in Industrial Museum

Hi, my dear readers ♥

Today I want to show you a few photos from the latest lolita meet-up of Franconian Princesses which I attended in January.
Since nobody knew how the weather is going to be the meet-up took place mostly in the Industrial museum in Nürnberg. Which was great for me - I´ve never been there before + I really like going to Industrial museums *o* there is always so many interesting things I don´t understand, but I like to watch them =D
In the Industrial museum of Prague is a lot of huge things like a steam train or an airplane, but here in Nürnberg they have a really great collection of small things through all the history and of all kinds. For example wasching machines, old computers, hoovers =D But what I liked the most were whole rooms furnished with all these historical things - a grocery store, hairdresser´s, living room, kitchen and the most frightening - dental surgery D=

We had a lot of fun there - took photos on an old motorbike and the kind old man from the museum made all these huge industrial machines move just for us o__o The whole museum is situated in building which was a factory once, so there are still some working machines left.

After we saw everything and started to be all a bit tired we moved into a vegan restaurant near the train station. We had some tea and cakes and of course talked a lot =D

It was such a nice meet-up ♥

I have a quite a lot of photos to show you !
Let´s start with photos from my mobile phone

my nightmare

my new car =D

sewing machines ♥

...and the cutest thing - old Polychromos *o*

Now for some cute photos of us in school and me doing silly things - from Kooccachoo ♪

...and at the end some details of my outfit =)
I wore an old-school lolita and mixed it up with punk a bit ♪

wig - Lockshop
blouse - Anna House
jsk - BTSSB

Have a nice day, everyone ♥

9 komentářů:

  1. To jsou super fotky! Jo - ten zubař je fakt creepy o_O a hrozně se mi líbí to auto :D tvůj outift bych řekla že se k tobě purrfektně hodí, i s tím tetováním, piercama a tak, moc ti to sluší :) :)

    1. Moc děkuju ♥
      Ten zubař mě bude děsit ještě hodně dlouho =D

  2. Moc krásné nápadité fotky!!
    Neskutečně ti to sluší! x)

  3. To auto je hrozně ošklivý. =D Ale tobě to pro změnu moc sluší, vypadá to, že jste si to skvěle užily. =)

    1. Neee =D to auto má dveře vepředu - to je úžasný !!! =D
      Děkuju ♪

  4. wow, to auto je cool, vypadá jak stan, už si představuju jak spím v kufru s těma dveřma/střechou nad hlavou :D a moc ti to sluší, krásné šaty a punčochy k tomu jdou skvěle. Technická muzea se mi líbí, doporučuji někdy mrknout i do toho v Mnichově, mají pěknou dopravní sekci, jsou tam takové ty zvláštní da Vinciho & spol vynálezy.

    1. Děkuju =) ♪
      Jo jo jo - to muzeum v Mnichově je náš plán už asi rok a pořád jsme se k tomu ještě nedostali si tam udělat výlet =/

  5. To je super prostředí pro sraz :). A ten outfit ti moc sluší, vypadáš opravdu roztomile :).
