Hi, my dear readers =)
Today I want to show you my two latest crochet projects ♪
The first one is a shawl by Rooster Hill (the 4th one I made) which I decided to crochet as a Christmas gift for my bf´s mum.......just a week before Christmas =D So I was a bit in hurry, but in the end I managed to finish it on 23rd December *__* I had this beautiful colour-changing yarn (for socks) and since I´m not that sure about my knitting skills to make this shawl I just took the idea of changing the rainbow yarn with a matching solid coloured one every other row and applied it for a crochet shawl...
And I love the result !
The second thing is my new winter headgear - an elven hood !
At first I wanted to make this thing according to the most stupid crochet magazine I ever bought - Simply Häkeln...they use abbreviations on every word to save place, but they don´t even bother to show a picture of how the pattern should look like......so I got lost after a while and finished it by myself - without bear ears and a shawl...just a hood ♪ And "elven" because of the colour - this yarn is really interesting - in the sunlight it´s brown, but when you look at it at home it´s green -> it´s changing colours exactly like these elven cloacks which Fellowship got in Lothlórien *o* ha ha =D
I really like it and I´m looking forward to wear it with my new coat from Gudrun Sjõden (it matches perfectly ♥) !
..."unfortunatelly" there is no winter yet >_<
Now I´m working on my knitting skills, again - I already finished a scarf, beanie and yesterday I started really easy variable pullover =) The more I understand this technique the more I like it...so I just had to order 8 pairs of bamboo knitting needles and a pack of socks needles from eBay yesterday >_<
oh, and did I already tell you that my bf gave me Woodland Knits for Christmas *o* ?
...now excuse me, I have to go back to my needles - I have so much to do !!!
Chtěla jsem se zeptat, jak dlouho trvá udělat takovou šálu, než jsem našla, že jsi jí vyrobila za šest dní - kouzlo?! :D Pro mě jako laika je něco takového naprosto nepředstavitelné :D. Obě věci se ti moc povedly, jsou krásné :).
OdpovědětVymazatNoo...taky se mi skoro kouřilo od háčku jak jsem frčela =D Normálně mi to trvá mnohem dýl, když na to mám klid a nikam nespěchám tak mám tak jednu věc na měsíc / 3 týdny =) zase taková superžena nejsem =D
VymazatDěkuju ♪
That hood is wonderful. You are so gorgeous. Your eyes are magical :)
OdpovědětVymazatOboje je perfektní ♥ ta elfská kapucka je extra úžasná, až konečně skončí zkouškový, chci se pustit do nějakýho svetru a k tomu přidělat tu kapucu z WoodlandKnits - teď nevím jak se jmenuje - je dlouhá a červená :D:D
OdpovědětVymazatjooo ! To je Dragon Watcher´s Hood - tu si vyrobím taky...snad jednou =D a takhle pěkně červenou s rolničkama kdybych náhodou potkala nějakýho draka...to je hned, tady se to jima jenom hemží !
VymazatDěkuju ♥