čtvrtek 2. ledna 2014

Catching Fire

Hello again in the new year, my dear readers =) !
Finally I have time to write something on my blog...I was busy before, through and after Christmas with everything and I started to really miss blogging + I have a looot of outfit photos, new drawings and finished crochet and knitted projects...phew...

Let´s start with something a bit old ha ha ...my outfit for cinema to see The Hunger Games - Catching Fire *o* You probably already know that I´m quite a big fan of Hunger Games - I love the books, I really liked the first movie and now I was sooo looking forward to the second one. And I wasn´t disapointed ! The movie was perfect , I think they did a really good job and my favourite part were all these amazing costumes *__* Katniss had so many beautiful knitted things in the movie that after I walked out of the cinema I was 100% sure that I´ll have to try to make at least one of them !
My favourite is this sweater...

...but I haven´t found any pattern for it, yet =/
On the other hand crochet/knitting websites are now full of patterns for this cute scarf/cowl/something...

...so I´ll probably try it as well =3
Then I will put my Mockingjay pin on it, braid my hair, pick up my bow and run into woods =D wheee !

ehm...back to the point !
I was in a mood for something mori, but at the same time I just HAD TO wear my Mockingjay cardigan which has not so mori colour...so I tried to put it all together somehow and this is the result ♪

bonus - my fox socks =D ! Aren´t they cute?? There are ducklings on the other side ♥

cardigan, necklaces - DIY
shirt, tights, socks - C&A
skirt - old one from my mum =)
shoes - Reno

I hope you all stepped into 2014 with the righ foot and or at least partied hard !
I wasn´t partying as much as I wanted to, because there are no good clubs in our town =( so we went to a rock club, but I don´t really know how to dance to this music <_< but the New Year´s Eve was fun nevertheless !

11 komentářů:

  1. Hey, don't You think that green should be the most 'mori' colour? Colour of the trees... ;) Love this outfit, imo it's very mori, but still totally YOU! Not only the copy of japanese magazines (which are also cool, but You know what I mean). Btw maybe would You like to write something about the new Hobbit movie?

    1. Green is definitelly a mori colour - but this one is a tricky shade =D ! Well...almost every colour can be put into a mori outfit, but since I´m just a beginner I´m always a bit nervous when I call my outfit "mori" and it´s not only beige, brown, white and grey >_< I´m really happy that you like it, thank you ♥

      I will write something abouth Hobbit for sure, but I saw it on the same day as I attended a big Christmas lolita meet-up in Prague...and I´m still waiting for some photos to make a post about it - so I´ll put everything in one post - meet-up + outfit + Hobbit =)

  2. Miluji tvé outfity! Jsou vždy dokonalé! x)
    Zelený svetřík je nádherný... ♥

  3. I love the colours and layers of your outfit.
    Hope all is wonderful for you this year! ♥

    1. Thank you so much !
      I wish you all the best in 2014 as well ♪

  4. Krásný outfit! :) ♥
    Jajaaaa Catching Fire ♥♥♥ mám jedno super tajemství pro tebe :D už začínám pomalinku vyvíjet vzor na ten svetr... ho hooo též se mi líbí asi nejvíc, a pak jsem i sehnala odkud je to body co má Catniss na sobě ve vlaku směrem do Kapitolu - mám celou fotku, takže až dopiluju svoje pletací skills, zkusím to! (Ovšem bych to přetransformovala do trička, páč body mě moc nebere....)

    1. *____________* tak to jsem veliká zvědavost ! Taky jsem si říkala, že bych ten vzor mohla vyrobit sama, ale mám tolik věcí na práci, že nevim...tak za rok =D
      Ta spací věc byla body? To jsem netušila, ale i tak to musí být super zahřívací - pošleš mi kdyžtak tu fotku na Skype? Jsem dost zvědavá jak to vypadá =)

      Moc děkuju ♪

  5. Bezva outfit! Oceňuji i fusekle :) mám jako kupa dalších úchylku na vzorované, cokoliv se zvířátkama, space invaders a podobnýma nesmyslama je vždy must have. Akorát tedy mánie kolem Hunger Games mi trochu uniká :))

    1. Děkuju =) Já taky - vždycky když vidím nějaký cute ponožky a nestojí moc tak je hned beru =D

  6. Z Hunger games jsem byla taky nadšená, upřímně, líbilo se mi to ješté více než první díl a to byla laťka docela dost vysoko :D
    A tobě ta mori prostě hrozně sedí, nemůžu si pomoct
