A few days ago I attended one special meet-up organized by local lolitas - beautiful Franconian Princesses. Special, because it was a "swap meet" ! Which means that super-kind Ophelie lent her whole flat for a purpose of one big lolita market =D
I was really happy that girls invited me to this meet, but at the same time I was pretty nevours because I had no idea what to "swap" x_x I don´t have many brand clothes and those lolita dressed which I wanted to sell I sold a few days before the meet....but in the end I dived into my wardrobe and managed to find quite a lot of lolita things which I haven´t been wearing for a very long time... pheew ! Kerstin also suggested that I can take some of my handmade skirts from shop with me and so I had quite a big bag with me on Sunday morning of the meet =)
Clothes for sale wasn´t my only luggage, I also baked my "spicy bat cake" and I took some other small food with me - thank god of rococo that BTSSB paper bags are so big and sturdy =D
The whole meet-up was really nice ! There was so many lolitas (14!) and so many clothes all around one small flat that in a few moments I was just standing there and looking, happy about being somewhere I feel I belong to - in the middle of so many people I almost didn ´t know but at the same time we all had something in common and could talk together without any problems =)
I also "leveled up" a little with my German skill because I was speaking not only in english (as I usually do) but in German as well !!! (*__*)
And now for the hardest part of the day - I HAD ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT TO BUY ! There was so many pretty dresses, skirts and accessories *o* At first I was just looking, than I started to try them on and in the end I bought four things =D Lolita jsk in mint colour with squirrels (yes, I bought a sweet lolita jsk!), beautiful collar made of fake furr, over-knee socks to match my baby-blue skirt and super-cute cardigan from BTSSB ♥
(instagram photo >_<)
We also took some photos in the nearby park, because everyone looked so good !
I´m really thankful for such pretty photos which Caro took of me, because in the morning I was desperately trying to take some outfit photos on my balcony and they all ended up like one big dark epic fail =D
...and now we´re slowly getting to the second thing which I want to talk about - my new autumn jsk !
I tried my luck with making lolita jsk again and it was success o_o ! yay
I stumbled upon this beautiful fabric in autumn colours while looking for some supplies for Rabbit Heart and I just had to buy it <_< and because there is not many occasions to wear lolita now, I was really desprate about finishing it for the swap meet and wear it there *_*
When I was buying matching ribbons and threads I saw this tassel in the shop and I decided to wear it over the dress to make it a little dolly-kei-inspired. What do you think about it ?
I also made a new necklace in antique colour with a key and pearls, because I have everything in silver and that doesn´t look so good with autumn colours, I think.
The last think I want to say about the jsk is that I´ve made a little change in the original pattern and added a zipper on side -> upgrade !
It was such a beautiful day !
I really can´t wait to another opportunity to meet with everyone, again ♥
(so sad I was too slow and I don´t have a ticket for IW tea party in Vienna this weekend T_T)
Jé, to musela být skvělá akce :33 A tvoje nové šaty jsou nádherné :) )(mám teď na mysli ty ušité, ale líbí se mi i ty sweet :))
OdpovědětVymazatjo jo byla to fakt sranda =) doufám, že za rok to bude zase ♪
VymazatMoc děkuju ! ...ty sweet jsou z BL takový ty s šílenýma veverka...vždycky jsem je chtěla =D
tedaaa :O strašně ti to sluší! vlasy, šaty, kérky, líčení, všechno to k sobě úžasně jde.. *.*
OdpovědětVymazatMoc děkuju ♥
VymazatMoc ti to sluší :) Ale nejvíc úžasný je nový handmade jsk *_* ach nádhera! Budeš někdy šít pro RH taky jsk??? :)
OdpovědětVymazatDěkuju ♥ !
VymazatNa to se mě teď ptají úplně všichni =D a já nevim, asi ne...chce to ještě trénovat a to dřív obchod zabalim, než se to naučim pořádně =D a taky bych k tomu potřebovala takovou tu krejčovskou pannu a to jsou investice, investice a já nemám manýz >_<
Your dress is adorable - both the pattern and the model :)