A few months ago I´ve got a sudden idea to try making a lolita jsk again.
After my last epic fail I swore that I´ll never do it again, but the vision of being able to make dresses from all those cute fabrics I see everywhere is just too attractive.
I had an idea to put together two things I really like - lolita and witchy stuff. Also I wanted to try to make a "handmade print" and something simple - so I won´t spend hours and hours on decorations and in the end find out that the dress doesn´t fit me at all, feeling desperate, cry, etc. (it happened to me before)
And so I bought this beautiful green fabric (at first I wanted to buy a wine red one but I´ve changed my mind when I saw this one), pulled all of my jsks out of my wardrobe and started to measure, sketch and in the end my ultimate jsk pattern was alive =D !
This time I had a lot of fun with sewing (no tears) and I managed not to destroy the painting as well =3
I did a really simple decoration, just with a black lace on the bottom and the "print". My bf thinks it looks to plain, well maybe he´s right - I´m actually thinking about adding some pretty lace on the cleavage. What do you think ?
Jsk wasn´t the only think I made in this woodland/magical theme. I had to make a matching antlers to it !
Now you´re probably thinking "noo, no more antlers in lolita, please" but I just love them, sorry ♪ I was thinking about making them for quite a long time, but I never knew HOW. But then a muse kissed me and I bought a pack of beautiful dark-green glittering Fimo, made two antlers from it, baked it, bought flowers in Ikea, sewed antlers on a headband and glued flowers all over it with this tool (how is an english word for it?).
And here they are - I love them and I wish I could wear them more often than just for a photoshoot !
also I have a lot of ideas for more....but I don´t know if selling them is a good idea, because it´s so fragile to post arount the world =/
So one Sunday morning I put on my new dress, wig and antlers and we went to make a little photoshoot to our nearest forest =)
It´s nothing professional - I just wanted to have some cute photos in a nature with this jsk ♪
We found some really nice places around while strolling through the woods, but the best thing awaited us in the end - the most magical place and so close to our house ! A pentacle made of branches on a shore of a little stream *o* there are more things like that around this place, like hidden trees with faces ! I have no idea who carves them, but it makes walking around our tiny little forest really magical =)
And here are photos ♪ I hope you like as much as I do !
Have a beautiful day, everyone ♥
Je to naprosto perfektní a hrozně moc ti to sluší *_*
OdpovědětVymazatBtw. Nepamatuješ si kdes kupovala tu paruku?
Moc děkuju ♥
VymazatMěla jsem to tam napsat,kruciš - je z Lockshopu "Mermaid Auburn" - je úžasná =D
Hrozně bych od nich chtěla víc paruk, ale když já to nemám kam nosit krom fotek -_-
Díky moc :) Okouknu to tam. To znám, taky chci milion paruk :D
Vymazatach já nemám slov! to je taak dokonalý T_T
OdpovědětVymazatšaty, čelenka, a vůbec ty barvy, jakože paruka s tou zelenou jde krásně dohromady...a nádherný fotky ♥♥
such an inspiration again! :)
Moc děkuju !!!
VymazatKéž bych už měla takovýhle super dlouhý vlasy taky svoje T_T (jako máš ty)
Wow, užasný fotky! Jestli si ty šaty šila sama sou dokonalé. Prozradíš odkud je paruka? :) (omlouvám se pokud je to zmíněno v článku, neumím anglicky :( )
OdpovědětVymazatMoc děkuju =) Yep, šila jsem je já - první pokus o šaty podle svýho vlastního střihu vytvořený podle všech šatů co mám doma dohromady =D
VymazatParuka je z Lockshopwigs.com "Mermaid Auburn" jejich paruky jsou ohromně kvalitní a vypadají úžasně přirozeně =)
V jednoduchosti je krása a tady to platí dvojnásob :) osobně mám podobné jednoduché lolita outfity mnohem raději než tunu kanýrků, mašliček a dalších kravinek (i když pravda, to může být způsobeno i mým pokročilejším věkem, kdy uvažuji, co je pro mě ještě nositelné). Jako komplet to opět působí báječně a i ta handmade čelenka je supr ;)
OdpovědětVymazatMoc děkuju =)
VymazatJo jo, já taky radši už jenom jednoduchý věci...stárnem =D
ty jo! nemám slov jak ti to sluší, to je tak neskutečně dokonalý! *_*
OdpovědětVymazatMoc děkuju ♥
VymazatCelý outfit je vskutku dechberoucí! chtěla bych být natolik šikovná a nápaditá, abych něco takového,jako je tato čelenka,také zvládla vyrobit.
OdpovědětVymazatDěkuju =) !
VymazatNa tom nic není,chce to jenom chvíli experimentovat s tavnou pistolí a Fimem a pak můžeš vyrábět podobných věci mraky !
I think that tool is called 'hot glue gun' in English :)
OdpovědětVymazatI have to say, I really love that antler headband! You should definitely make more of those and sell them :)
Ps. I love your blog!
I saw this outfit on lookbook and I was wondering how could I've miss this post on m bloglovin' dashboard!
OdpovědětVymazatThen again, I haven't missed it. I just had to scroll down. :P
I cannot express how perfect this jsk-witch is. It's absolutely gorgeous! The color of that fabric is perfect! Seriously, you make them most wonderful items and your style is always so unique. ♥