Finally I´m starting to win a battle with my new camera and managed to take photos of my otome-kei dress I made quite a while ago.
I tried to take photos of it right on the second day I had the camera, but it ended up as a blurry dark disaster + I was under the pressure, because we went to cinema to see World War Z =D I was really grumpy about not having any decent photo...but only until the trailer for the new Hunger Games was on the screen *___* and The World War Z was a really good movie with cute zombies and interresting ideas - hand protectors made of thick magazines and a tape? ....very good idea ! (You know, I´m collecting helpful things I can use in case of apocalypse <_< )
Back to the dress !
So today I took new photos - much better than the first ones =)
I made the dress according to a pattern from Burda, but it´s little weird. I couldn´t understand how to do some things and had to improvize, so the dress is not as pretty inside as it is on the outside =D
This absolutely cute fabric with polka dots and bunnies in underwear was in my fabric-box for more that 3 years! We bought it with my friend Maxé and planned to make lolita pajamas from it...and yeah it never happened, so I decided to finally use it on this dress.
At first I wanted to buy pattern for some simple dress which can be compatible with a crochet collar and I can use it as a basis for a lolita jsk.
...I wanted too much probably, only thing I could find was this one - at least compatible with a collar
(in the end I made the basis for jsk myself ! oho hoo)
The colllar is made according to this pattern from Ravelry. I added a few more stitches to make it a little bigger.
I the dress it with my new super cute bag, straw hat and white sneakers - I tried my white RHS as well, but it didn´t look good. But still I don´t know if it´s a true otome-kei outfit =D
What do you think?
A few days ago I joined a new website Kollabora
It´s a place where all craft-addicts like me can share their works =)
I didn´t know about this website until they contacted me because of a Wednesday Addams-inspired swimsuit I made a looong time ago and had a photo of it on my DeviantArt =D
I like the idea of the "united" crafting community - crochet, knitting, sewing - everything in one. And I´ll probably continue with posting my work here.
So - if you´re already here or you will make an account - don´t hesitate and add me, we can be friends =) !
Ty jsi tak šikovná *_* taky bych se chtěla naučit šít, ale pořád se k tomu nějak nemám. Asi jsem do smrti odsouzená k háčkování :D:D Na ten límeček jsem se jednou chystala, ale zrovna jsem neměla trpělivost, návodu jsem ze začátku nějak nerozuměla, a to byl celý příběh s nikdy nedodělaným límcem :D A outfit se mi moc líbí :):)
OdpovědětVymazatDěkuju =)!
VymazatTak času dost, zase nemůžeš dělat všechno najednou =D a ten límeček je na poprvý trochu složitej, ale pak už je to v pohodě - už jsem teď dělala třetí a měla jsem ho za míň než hodinku a stačí na to jenom kousek klubíčka =)
To jsou krasne saty. Spolecne s tou latkou jsou naprosto neodolatelny. Muzu se zeptat, o ktery strih z Burdy se jedna? Mam doma latku, ke ktere by se docela hodily :)
OdpovědětVymazatMoc děkuju =) jasně - je to střih 7798, stál asi 60,- normálně ve švadlence, je to hrozně multifunkční, zároveň z toho jdou ušít šaty s rukávkem, tílko a ještě halenka s dlouhým rukávem
VymazatDěkuju, jsi zlatá. Jinak se nemusíš bát, že bychom měly stejné šaty. Ty moje budou bez háčkovaného límečku a chci je nad kolena. A budou z úplně jiné látky, takže vlastně nikdo nepozná, že to jsou "ty samé" :)
VymazatSuch an adorable pattern! The dress is so cute and looks awesome with the collar :)
OdpovědětVymazatThank you ♥
VymazatThis outfit is so adorable! I love the details on the fabric and the collar!!! ♥
OdpovědětVymazatThank you ! I´m happy you like it =)
Vymazatso cuuuute!!!