At night from 30th April to 1st May is an old feast of fire and fertility - Beltain. As I said before in an older post - in Czech Republic is the 30th April called "burning of witches" and great bonfires are everywhere, people drink a lot and have fun outside. Here in Bavaria exists nothing like that, because there is much much much more believers than in Czech Republic =D And this fact brought me to an idea that maybe this "burning of witches" is not that much about inquisition and things like that, but more likely a reminder of old times when pagans were still in our land. Interesting, isn´t it ?
And why I had a busy Beltain? Because my boyfriend was born on this magical night (which is quite cool, I thing) and on 1st May is a I wasn´t only preparing my altar and burning candles, but also I had to make a birthday cake, buy a lot of groceries for the upcomming celebration and clean the whole flat...pheew
I managed to do everything and the worst and the most stressfull thing was - THE CAKE D=
My bf wanted a strawberry one and I never did a one in my life >_< You can see the result of my work in the photos =D
Oh, and I forgot to say that on 1st May is not only a holiday, but in Czech Republic it´s also a "Time of Love" - our tiny little st. Valentines day based on a poem of K.H. Mácha and the tradition is that all lovers should kiss under a blooming cherry-tree or sakura or at least something with blossoms =D
(Alice corrected me in comments that "Time of Love" was before the poem, so it´s not based on it...well, long time passed since my last czech-history class <_<)
(Alice corrected me in comments that "Time of Love" was before the poem, so it´s not based on it...well, long time passed since my last czech-history class <_<)
So...I set up my altar on 30th than I went to pick fresh flowers on the meadow, then I baked a cake and in the night we wanted to go to forest (to see fairies - because Beltain is the night when you can see one !), but it was too dark here and we were afraid, that we could broke a leg or something, so we went to a beautiful labyrinth which is in a nearby park. I found it on the website with "powerful and magical places of Bavaria" so we thought it would be a good idea to go there on that night =)
On the 1st May we were celebrating my bf´s birthday with cake, gifts and by making our own sushi *o* it was delicious and the weather was beautiful so we ate it on our balcony. Then we were so lazy that we planned to stay on the balcony forever, but we had to go out and find some blooming tree ! =D
So we went to a short stroll, which ended up like quite a trip around all the parks we have here <_< Everything was so beautiful - so many flowers and green trees - I took a lot of photos on my lomo camera ♪
After this "stroll" we were so hungry that we made a really big snack from vanilla ice-cream, strawberries, cake and pudding NOM NOM
So many things in just two days !
And now for photos - there is a lot of them, I hope you´re going to like them ♥
my spring-themed altar
my outfit in similar colours
the almighty strawberry cake for my bf !
sushi party ♪
some cute photos of nature
Honza on a swing, wearing his birthday gift from me =3 Which I bought from amazing Fennec Design
And me being casual with the cutest bag I ever had =)
And how was your Beltain/1st May/Lásky čas/pálení čarodějnic ?
Are there any special traditions in your country, town or family for this day?
I´m curious *_*
i love that little candleholder! :D
OdpovědětVymazatMe too =D I had to buy it, it makes every cake look...royal =D !
VymazatNevím jestli jsem si to špatně nepřeložila, ale 1. Máj není založený na básni, ono je to naopak.
OdpovědětVymazat(pokud jsem si to přeložila blbě tak se tímto omlouvám)
Ten dort vypadá parádně a nápad s tím svícínkem na něm je perfektní.
Moc se mi líbí ten outfitt. Dlouhé sukně Ti velice sluší.
Ne, přeložila jsi to správně =D, to já nedávala ve škole pozor, nebo - a to spíš - už je to dávno co jsem se o tom učila...abych pravdu řekla, tak jsem si nebyla jistá ani tím Máchou >_< děkuju za opravu, jsem teď zase o něco chytřejší =) !
VymazatMoc děkuju ♪
Máte štěstí, že se vám to tak vydařilo, tady byla zaprvé kosa, takže jsem pěkně nastydla a navíc jsem se ani nemohla řádně čarodějnicky vystrojit a zadruhé byl Marek na oba dva dny od rána do večera v práci. Musíme teď zase čekat na další rok...otrava :D. No, alespoň jsem vysmýčila a zapálila hodně svíček, aby se neřeklo. Dort vypadá k nakousnutí, máš pravdu, ten svícen musí každý dort povýšit až do nebe :D.
OdpovědětVymazatfuu tak to je teda smůla, já mám pocit že poslední dobou je snad vždycky na čarodejnice hnusně a nebo je večer bouřka, takže se to pak všechno pokazí =/
VymazatI was working, working, working.... so nothing special happening on those days.
OdpovědětVymazatYours cake looks yummy. Like Dylan Moran said "cake is the language of love" :)
Nothing special, but you´re going to have money =D ! That´s important, too !
VymazatThank you ♪
Ahoj, omlouvám se, že otravuju s dotazem, co není k tématu, ale zdá se, že máš s Flerem bohaté zkušenosti :) mám dotaz ohledně přijatých objednávek, je tam totiž možnost "vystavit fakturu". Do nastavení jsem ale vše potřebné k prodeji uvedla, je tedy nutné to dělat nebo Fler udělá automaticky? Moc děkuji za odpověď, v tomhle jsem nová a ještě se moc nevyznám ;)
OdpovědětVymazatOh you are so adorable! I love your face on the sushi picture :3 Also your layered outfit is superb!
OdpovědětVymazatLove all the flowers!
Since May 1, it's been raining here. I also had my finals. And the mornings are so hot one wakes up sweaty. No special celebrations around these parts that I'm aware. :(