Halloween is getting closer and I just can´t wait for it (like every year)!
Last time I made a Halloween skirt from this amazing fabric in orange for me and bloomers from the same one in green for my friend. And I liked them so much, that I went to the store for a few more fabric and planned to make one pair for me, too...but then I had no time and suddenly there were Christmas and so the fabric was waiting the whole long year in a box - until now !
Take a close look at this amazing print - there are pumpkins, bats, autumn leaves, swirls and of course cats !
And they will be just pefect with violet and striped tights *o*
(I took those photos at the beginning of September, when the weather was still more summer-ish than it is now so I couldn´t wore any tights or overknee socks, because it was too hot)
I tried to make something like cute witchy outfit with this pretty top which my mum bought me in second-hand store for less than 1euro.
I neeeeed to find some second-hand/thrift store here in Ingolstadt D= without it I´ll never collect things for a proper mori outfit ! But that´s a different story - now for some photos ♪
And how about you ?
Are you looking forward to Halloween, or are you one of those "that´s too American, I hate it" people ? =D
Are you going to carve something in pumpkins ? I want to try it this year - but it´s still too early >_<
Ty jsou absolutně rozkošné!! :3
OdpovědětVymazatJinak, přiznám se, že Halloween jde nějak mimo mě, nikdy jsem k tomu neměla moc vztah...ale zas mezi ty "hate" lidi se neřadim ;D U mě to skončí tak max. u tématického outfitu :)
Děkuju =) !
VymazatTak tématický outfit mi přijde jako dost dobrá oslava Halloweenu ♪
The bloomers look sooo cute *O* I really can't wait for Halloween...I really like all horror stories and everything around halloween :3 We are probably gonny carve some pumpkins ^^
OdpovědětVymazatThank you ♥
VymazatThere is so many pumpkins on fields for sale in Ingolstadt that I just have to give it a try this year, as well *_* I just hope that I won´t cut off my finger or something like that =D
Those bloomers are adorable! You look gorgeous!!!
OdpovědětVymazatApparently I've loved Halloween since I was 4 year old :P For the make-up and the candy! ahhahaa
Good luck with your pumpkin carving. I would love to see how they turn out! I've never done it myself. :O
Thank you ♪ !
VymazatYes ! I always loved Halloween in movies and I´m really happy that it´s starting to be more popular in Europe - with all those creepy candies and decorations in stores *o*
I´ll take photos of my "pumpkin art" for sure =D !
Ách tohle je taková dokonalost ♥ gaťky a triko - nádhera!! Jojo, sekáče....taky musím nějaký najít v Brně! :D
OdpovědětVymazatjeee děkuju ♥ !
VymazatDržím palce, aby tam byl ještě nějakej lepší než tamten oplzlej jak jsi mi o něm vyprávěla v neděli =D
We have something like Halloween tradition in school... Organized by senior graders. Surprisingly I'm looking forward to it more then ever, even though I'm shitting my pants with fear and excitement, cause this year it's me. Yay graduation.
OdpovědětVymazatThat´s so cool ! We never celebrated Halloween in school because the majority of my classmates and teachers were these "halloween haters" -_-
VymazatGood luck with your celebration (and learning for graduation, of course ^.^) !