Maybe you remember how I was talking about my three new crochet things and how I´m going to show you all of them starting from the latest which was the Mockingjay cardigan. Then was the mori shawl and now we´re finally at the beginning !
Cardigan made of simple yarn of vibrant mint colour. I made it according to an older "Diana" magazine...and I don´t know, I was not very successful with this one, I think =D again I got confused by super-complicated stitches and then messed up the primal I ended up with oversized cardigan with uneven sites and on the top of that I didn´t have enough yarn, so I had to finish it with a white one =D ha ha
So yeah...that´s why it´s going to be perfect for cult party kei inspired outfits, because CPK things are always uneven and have this "unfinished" look =)
Of course that I had to make an outfit inspired by Cult Party Kei with this cardigan when I wore it for the first time. (now when I look at it everything except my shoes and socks was made by me o_o) I was wearing my new brooch, which I made from an old anime button and lace leftovers -> recycling ! ...wolf ears (which I made for my bf on last Halloween) inspired by outfits like this one, old pair of earrings made of broken keyboard, and of course my DIY cult party dress ♪
And one photo with "amazing" magic of my camera making me super-kawaiiiii (joke)
wolf ears, earrings cardigan, necklace, brooch, dress, bloomers : DIY
sneakers : Tally Weijl
Right now I´m working on new pair of fingerless gloves and I also plan to make a funny hat from the same yarn - which I bought in Nürnberg last week ♪ it has a beautiful dark-green colour and I think it will be perfect for Autumn <3
Vypadáš skvěle *_* Hrozně se mi líbí ten svetřík :)
OdpovědětVymazatMoc děkuju ♥ jsem ráda že se líbí i když je takovej vachrlatej =D
VymazatSuper svetřík ♥ :) kdybys nenapsala že to je "omylem" tak bych si myslela že to byl záměr - líbí se mi :) jinak podobný patálie se vzorem teď zažívám u jednoho tílka...ještě jak mi to moc nejde, tak se to vlečeeee hrůza -_-
OdpovědětVymazatDěkuju ♪ =)
VymazatMě tyhle jejich vzory hrozně vytáčí, protože si vždycky vymyslí nějakou složitost, ale já chci jenom takový tílko/svetr v tomhle tvaru a nechci se stopadesátkrát vracet kvůli tomu, že jsem pokazila vzor kterej pak ve výsledku není vidět protože používám jinou vlnu -_____-
Taky jsem se domnívala, že je to záměr. :) Řekla bych, že je to díky tomu bílému lemování ještě zajímavější! Moc Ti to sluší.