For me Kaltenberger Ritterturnier was always something like a legendary place, full of people in historical costumes, with a big joust and hundreds of visitors, something in a far away Germany, an event where was impossible to get from Prague because it was too far away and too expensive.
But I heard so much about it ! Because almost all of my parent´s friends are somehow working in this bussiness as performers or as makers of historical weapons and armor. And they all were there and talked about it, showed me photos and never forgot to tell me how much I would like it there =D
I even was there once, but in time before the whole event started - we took there some swords and shields for performers with my father and I could walk around the empty arena. But the place was without all the stalls and dress-up people...just some tired knights hanging around and training =)
Now you probably starting to understand why I love historical events so much and why visiting Kaltenberg was almost n.1 thing we had to do after we moved to Bavaria. It´s not very close to our town, about 150km but it was worth the travells. Travells - because we were there three times =D
We bought tickets in advance for the first weekend, for Friday and Saturday.
On Friday there was "Juggler´s Night" which started around 17pm and the program ended at 2am. It was amazing - a lot of fireshows, jugglers, lady dressed up as a spider doing a show on hanging fabrics, a music concert of medieval band, a parade of all jugglers and a beautiful fireworks at the midnight...we got to bed at 4am - party hard in middle-age !
On Saturday we had tickets for arena. For the premiere of the new show called "The Magic Ring". It was 2 hours long but I wasn´t bored for even a minute. Very good show with a lot of people, horses, burning village, bad guys, good guys, woman knight and a dragon ! (which cought on fire at first and a mr. fireman had to extinguish him - that was not part of the story =D)
And then there was our unexpected visit on the next Friday. That happened because of our amazing family friend Brigita, who has a shop with armour and swords in Munich and had a little shop here on Kaltenberg as well. And she had this cute idea to take my mum there, but don´t tell her about it. So we had this secret plan through all week. My mum was here in Germany on visit, thinking all the time that on Friday we are going to travell back to Prague...and then a few minutes before packing things into a car, we dressed up with my boyfriend to our historical clothes and shouted "Surpriseee!!! We´re going to Kaltenber instead of Prague!!!" - my mum was so surprised that she just stared at us and couldn´t believe it =D Then when we arrived to Kaltenberg and met with our friend she even bursted into tears from happiness - this why I love making good surprises and giving people gifts, this sight of someone being so happy is just...priceless =)
Sooo appart from being absolutely excited about the whole event, taking a lot of photos, tasting beer and mead we also tasted a lot of good food - as always =3 The funniest thing to eat was a fruit on a stick soaked in chocolate which was selling a guy who looked exactly like George R.R. Martin =D ha ha
I also bought some things there - four handmade candles which smell absolutely beautiful, new cauldron with symbol of Goddess, a bundle of Sage and a lot of other incenses in Al Mischas stall (especially the Menthol burning incense is amazing, I had to buy another, bigger vial when we were there on Friday again *o*), a bracelet with little bells on it and a loooot of dried fruit with nuts ♥
If you read all of this, now I don´t really have to tell you how much I loved the whole event and that if I could I would stay there for all month =3
And now for some photos !
FRIDAY 12.7. - "Juggler´s Night"
this guy was walking around the castle with his band of geese...I have no idea why =D
my bf´s dream shoes
comfortable-looking home of some random warior
from left to right - 1001 Nights, Mango and two Patchouli candles
SATURDAY 13.7. - the great joust
I thought he looks funny...
...until I stood there and found out I´m too small for an armor =D
Photo for Han - there were ladies making them on spinning-wheels and each skein was for 6,50 euro
(you should definitelly start your own business with natural yarns =D!!!)
mr. firmen while extinguishing a dragon =D
healthy dragon, again =)
FRIDAY 19.7. - my mum´s unexpected journey
(photos from my mum´s camera...that´s why there is so much of me)
"Valhalla" restaurant where we had a huuuge dinner
hey, that´s my mum and me drinking beer in Valhalla - that doesn´t happen everyday =D
I hope you enjoyed photos and didn´t get bored by my long talk ♪
...and if you like fantasy, history and things like that - I highly recommend Kaltenberg as plan for next summer !
Tak tohle bude dlouhý komentář.. ... :D
OdpovědětVymazatZaprvý - super článek, rozhodně jsi mě navnadila abychom se příští rok také vydali (ROZHODNĚ!)
Všechno tam vypadá tak úžasně....
a tvoje outfity jsou dokonalý, nádherný prostě *_*
S Honzou vám to na fotkách moc sluší, a fotka Honzy z Valhally je fakt dobrá :D a ani nemusím říkat že mi oči jenom přecházejí z těch úžasných přízí O_o to je taková nádhera... jakmile si nakoupím kartáče na česání vlny (a barvy), a budu tak mít komplet vybavení pro tvoření, hned se do toho pustím..:) :)
jo jo jo jo jo určitě musíte přijet, spát budete u nás *_* !
VymazatJsem moc ráda, že se fotky líbí, snažila jsem se nějak zachytit tu úžasnou atmosféru. Bohužel všechny ty žůžo vystoupení o kejklířský noci v noci, takže ty jsem se ani nepokoušela fotit =D
Ty příze byli nádherný, slečny tam k nim ještě prodávaly takový dřevěný tlustý jehly a pomocí nich jakoby pletly o_o to jsem úplně zírala co to bylo...chtěla jsem si aspoň jedno přadýnko koupit ale nějak jsem nevěděla jestli by mi to vůbec vystačilo aspoň na dvě rukavičky bez prstů a taky 6,50 bylo docela dost >_<
Oho, taky ty zakroucený boty jsou krutý! <333
OdpovědětVymazatStrašně ti to všude sluší, hlavně ty vínový šaty, ty jsou nejbožejší! <3
Svíčky jsou taky krásný, a vůbec celej článek je krásnej! A ještě souhlasím s prvním komentářem, Honzova fotka z Valhally je suprácká! :3
Moc děkuju =) jsem ráda, že se fotky a článek líbí ♥
VymazatPáni, tak toto předčilo všechna má očekávání! Chci se odstěhovat do Německa! (Hned jak Marek zjistil, že na německém Wackenu hrají milionkrát lepší kapely než na Masters of Rock, začal mi přizvukovat :D). Zjevně je tam mnohem víc zajímavých akcí...
OdpovědětVymazatÚžasné fotky, moc ti to sluší, mně se nejvíc líbí ty hnědé šaty, hrozně se to všechno hodí :). Nevím, co obdivovat víc :D.
ha ha =D no akcí je tady mraky, jenom třeba ty historický (menší než Kaltenberg) jenom v Bavorsku, to jde najít na každý víkend v létě jednu *_* A ty festivaly, ač já se o ně nezajímám, tak jsou vždycky taky hodně dobře obsazený (mě na festival nikdo nedostane - moc lidí, bahna a toiky - na to jsem moc velká princezna =D)
VymazatNicméně pokud byste někdy chtěli na nějakej festival v Bavorsku dojet, tak určitě stačí napsat a můžete mít u nás zdarma přespání 100km od Mnichova =) není problém ♪
Fíha, děkuju za nabídku :). Možná bychom jí někdy v budoucnu využili, až jednoho dne budeme dost bohatí na německý festival :D.
VymazatVypadá to tam úžasně! *_* A působí to, jako bys tam odjakživa patřila :)
OdpovědětVymazatA ty tvoje outfity, perfektní, hlavně ty červené šaty ti ohromně sluší.