My very first outfit with this super-cute playsuit from Cyberdog ♪
I always loved this type of pants...dungarees is the word? When I was something like 13 I used to have (very ugly, fake-denim, with long pants) ones and I wore them all the time, with this crazy ponytail in the middle of my forehead............I was always into weird fashion <_<
And now, when they are back in the fashion, I really wanted to buy a new ones - with short pants, sexy...and wear them with a normal hairstyle.
But the denim was a real problem......all of them were made of it D=
So I ended up without them and looking at this dream-item of mine on internet - a Pencil Playsuit from Cyberdog. But the shipping is really expensive and I was not sure about a right size. So I decided I´m going to buy them one day when I´ll finaly visit London...
...and a few weeks after I was so lucky to find them in the Cyberdog stall on WGT in Leipzig *_* I tried them on, and the fact that there was no dressing room and I wore victorian skirt with corset and had to undress all of it in the hall full of goths didn´t stop me at all =D They fit perfectly so just shut up and take all of my money on the first day of festival *_____*
I combined it with this Hello Kitty t-shirt and together with cute lace socks it made a weird cute infantile goth something and I love it =)
I can´t wait to wear this playsuit for a party !
earrings - DIY
t-shirt - H&M
playsuit - Cyberdog
tights - Terranova
creepers - Demonia
And some news at the end
- my blog has a new headder =) You probably noticed, I think...
I made it from an almost two years old photo, from a photoshoot we did with Murhaaya, if you´re interested in more photos from this set look here =)
- I´m working on some handmade items for the very first Kaninchenherz giveaway, it´s going to be on the new Facebook page ♪
- my mum will visit us for a week, starting today - which means no time for new blog posts until next week -.-
- my blog has a new headder =) You probably noticed, I think...
I made it from an almost two years old photo, from a photoshoot we did with Murhaaya, if you´re interested in more photos from this set look here =)
- I´m working on some handmade items for the very first Kaninchenherz giveaway, it´s going to be on the new Facebook page ♪
- my mum will visit us for a week, starting today - which means no time for new blog posts until next week -.-
whoaaah *.* you're amazing, miss! :o jak vystřižená z nějakého komiksu! :D
OdpovědětVymazatYay =) moc děkuju !
VymazatTen outfit je super, jsi v něm správně cute :D A ty lacláče jsou parádní.
OdpovědětVymazatMimochodem představa tebe ve 13 s palmou uprostřed čela, ta mě zabíjí :'DDDD
Nové záhlaví je parádní, tenhle tvůj photoshoot zbožňuju! <3
A už se moc těším na giveaway i když budu mít štěstí asi jako vždycky :D
Děkuju =) !
VymazatNo já jsem chtěla přiložit i fotku, ale nějak jsem k tomu nenašla odvahu...a taky jí mám možná jenom old-school na hmatatelné fotografii a ne v digitální podobě =D tak třeba jednou najdu a nascannuju a pak se všichni usmějeme <_<
No já hlavně doufám, že se mi ty věci na giveaway povedou a budou se líbit, aby se vůbec někdo účastnil =D
Přilož :D Náhodou takové fotky z dětství jsou nejlepší :D
VymazatTak o tom nepochybuju :)
I always thought that playsuit was so adorable, and I still do ♥ Looks great on you!
OdpovědětVymazatYes, it´s super cute, I´m really happy that I found it on WGT =) Thank you !
VymazatJá asi nikdy nepochopím, jak to vlastně děláš, že úplně ve všem vypadáš tak dokonale. ^^ Prostě to není fér... :D
OdpovědětVymazatJo a taky jsem se chtěla zeptat jestli jedeš na Advík, i když se vůbec neznáme :D
Ale nee, třeba kdyby jsi viděla tu fotku v laclovkách kde mám na hlavě vyčesanou palmu tak by jsi změnila názor =D
VymazatNa ADVíku nejedu, mám to moc daleko a nějak mě už ani moc otaku akce neberou =)
Oh my. That's absolutely amazing. I'm amazed, you look perfect!!! I would wear that right away! (The pants combined with sth else, but you get me:))
OdpovědětVymazatThank you so much ♥
Vymazatwooooooow ht playsuit is hot!! I love cyberdog!!!
OdpovědětVymazatthis outfit is so cool!
Thank you ♥ Me too, I wish to go to their London store one day (and buy everything) =D
Vymazatthe playsuit* sorry ^^